Saturday, January 07, 2006

For the love of 360!
I think I need to quit my job so that I can just focus on Xbox 360. It will be very fulfilling.

Condemned: Criminal Origins is scary as hell! Junkies coming out of the woodwork with damn broken boards and water/conduit pipes, makes you want to piss your pants. Damn impressive atmosphere in this game.

Kameo is very original and fun, you can change into several different creatures to accomplish various goals. Fantastic art style, and the graphics look sweeeet. And it must be good because Peyton loves it.

NBA 2K6 has realistic player sweat, what more can I say? The game looks and plays very smooth. Though during 1 of the replays there were two basketballs on the screen at once, that was the only weird glitch so far.

Perfect Dark Zero is damn cool and a lot of fun, especially if you like Bond 007 on the Nintendo 64. Though wish you could jump, and carry more weapons at 1 time, I hate having to choose between dual uzis or sniper rifle.

Madden 06 looks and sounds simply amazing, as close to real football as you can get, but is missing some of the features from the Xbox version, and the QBs look like they have no souls: weird eyes.

Call of Duty is the best WWII game and possibly even the best first person shooter of any genre! I have never felt so immersed in gunfire. It makes your knuckles white, feels like you are in the middle of the action.

Dead or Alive 4 is more of the same, with improved graphics, more characters, better control, bigger and more interactive environments, oh and better jiggle physics.

All in all I think my favorite thus far is a toss up between Condemned & Call of Duty 2.


Rob said...

bastard, I want one

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I will be getting one as soon as I can. The money part is'nt really the even the issue ( it is a small part right now). The real issue is the availability. I hope by maybe March.

WNW said...

Ja-zus! Are there any launch titles you DIDN'T buy?

WNW said...

Also, put me on the short list when you decide you want to dump your original xbox.

I'm going to end up with a lot of xboxes once the price goes down. Cheap specialized computers they are.

Big D Sims said...

The only way to get one was in a bundle of course...But they are some very good games. Been playing Project Gotham 3- Very pretty. And the in car view is unbelievable, even though I don't play using it.