Monday, January 16, 2006

More Than Meets the Eye

I hope this rocks. Michael bay does have a good history when it comes to action movies (The Rock, Armaggeddon, The Island, Bad Boys II. But then again he also did do Pearl Harbor, which really blew. And you really can't go wrong with Spielberg getting involved.


WNW said...

The Rock, Armaggeddon, The Island and Bad Boys II were all generic "blow shit up" movies with zero plot and zero character development.

Big D Sims said...

But that is all they were meant to be and were enjoyable. Although I think The Island did have a good plot and decent character development.

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

The Island never realy had too much in the way of The Rock and Bad boys II type blow shit up. Plus Derek is right on the plot and character devolpment. It was a really good movie over all.

Rob said...

Michael Bay better not let me down, he will be punished severely if he does.. but really, even if the plot isn't tight I won't care honestly.