Sunday, January 22, 2006

For A Good Time...

Go Rent These Movies:

Lord of War: Fantastic story, good action, very compelling, based on actual events.

Transporter 2: Action, Action, and More Action. Is it believeable? NO. Is it entertaining? Definately!

Wedding Crashers: Funniest damn movie I've seen in I can't remember how long. Parts of this movie literally had me in tears from laughing so hard.


WNW said...

I dunno, Derek. Your tastes are pretty whitebread. :P

Big D Sims said...

U can eat my white bread, I know you want to.

WNW said...

I like Buttermilk

WNW said...

Well Derek is super whitebread in his movie tastes. Colin is less whitebread, Jeremy is in there too. Dan is the total opposite. I'm somewhere in between.

Big D Sims said...

Dan is an elitist.