Sunday, February 26, 2006

Origami Revealed!

It appears that marketing firm DigitalKitchen is doing the ad campaign for Microsoft, because if you hit their site click on the dk logo, click on enter, click Work, and then click BrandTheatre, you’ll find Microsoft Origami. Not just pics of the device, but a Flash-based video showing the various uses. Looks like an all in one media device/ mini pc/ tablet/ video game player/ mp3 player. Look closely and you will see a guy playing Halo 2 on it. I am very skeptical. And I don't like the appearance, but we shall see.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spider-Man Black

Spider-Man 3 is all dressed in black. Looks damn cool. Gives the impression that Venom is probably going to make an appearance in the next movie.

Project Origami

Could Microsoft's new Project Origami be a portable media device, portable Xbox, or something along those lines. Apparently the internet is all a buzz over this. I don't know about you, but the last portable product (Tablet PCs) sucked. Check out possible photos of the projectover at Engadget.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Bad Spokesman!

I respect Nintendo, and always have. They make very fun and innovative games. It is hard to believe that this will be the 20th anniversary of Zelda. Some of my fondest video game memories were from my Nintendo Entertainment System, and my Super NES. I think what they are doing with the revolution sounds great and only time can tell if it will all come together. But why, why did they hire this guy. Reggie is terrible! He should be shot.


Some people have way too much damn time on their hands!

Time to Restart Windows

Giant 2 story electronic billboard in Times Square bites it. That's classic!

Your Guess Is As Good As Mine

Microsoft is beginning to hype something...March 2nd.

My guess is the begining of Vista or maybe the new MS Office

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Damn, I wish all commercials were like this. I don't remember seeing this one on TV last year when Shaolin Monks came out.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Transformers the Movie

July 4, 2007. It's coming next summer. They are talking about even using the same voice actors as the original series. Michael Bay, the director, posted on his site, that they begin shooting in May, and that they have got the support of the Pentagon (Realism).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Early Anti-Piracy

Wow, this video shows just how desperate the publishing companies were in the early 90's. Don't copy floppies. Does anyone even use floppy disks anymore? I can not honestly remember the last time I put one in, I was actually thinking of taking the floppy out to put something in it's place.

I must warn you, once you watch this video, there is no way to unwatch it...

God 360!

It seems funny to me the lengths with which churches will go to get new followers, but apparently God is OK with trademark infringement.

I wonder who would win in a battle between Microsoft & God?

Now That's Water

Far Cry Predator for the 360, showing water effects and view distance. Dear god that water looks realistic. I saw a comparison the other day of PC vs. Xbox 360 side by side, and it wasn't even close. The 360 wiped the floor with the high end PC game.

Who came up with this thing?

You know sometimes you gotta ask yourself, "Am I crossing a line in the design of my product?" If your product looks like this and is aimed at kids, you got issues. Spiderman should be ashamed.

Weird Xbox Live Ad

Well this is one way to promote Xbox Live. Different, I'll give them that.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Ok, so I heard about this movie a while back called UltraViolet, that is based on a comic book like all movies now, and that it is staring Milla Jovovich. I saw the trailer on TV the other day and all I can say is "Damn!" Looks like a cross between The Matrix, Blade, and Equilibrium. Looks pretty good, and Milla rocks, so there is a good chance that it won't suck. Comic book movies seem to be getting better and better, as of late. Let's hope.
Here is the trailer.
Here is the official site.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Puking Kids

So today I started vacation, and we decided we were going to take Peyton to the Zoo for the first time. We got cleaned up, ate breakfast, and headed out. Then about half way to Portland, I look back at Peyton, and she spews all over herself. It's so funny because it barely phases her. She puked again on the way back home and then 2 or 3 times this afternoon. But each time she would tell us and we would go to the toilet and she was totally fine within seconds of finishing spraying the toilet with her oatmeal. It reminded me of when Bella threw up down the front of herself and on to my carpet. To kids it's no big deal, just a little vomit! Kids rock! We stayed in bed this afternoon and she has been puke free for a few hours now, so I think the worst is over.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

This movie was added to my recommendations page on Netflix several months ago, so I rented it and it has been sitting on my desk for months now, cause I really had never heard of it or even knew what it was about. So last night, Rachelle and I decided to watch a movie and I put it in. She asked what it was, and when I told her "Crash", she said that it had been nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards, and was supposed to be pretty good.

She was right...This movie is fantastic. Not for the special effects, or the cool actors, or any of that crap, but the story and how the many characters all connect in the end was really impressive. There are a lot of big name actors in it, many with bit parts, and apparently it was independent film and the actors took cuts in salaries just to be in it. The movie is about the stereotypes that we all have in our head and our culture in the USA. It's very entertaining, and emotional. Check it out.


Here is a cool music player based on the Firefox code. It is still beta and not fully functional, but I like what I see so far. Check out Songbird.

Return of the King?

They found a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings after not finding anything new for the last 64 years. It blows me away that it was only 5 feet away from King Tut's tomb.

Not A Life Saver

Apparently I made the paper yesterday for helping a lady at work.
Let me just say, I am not a life saver!
Daily Astorian

Hair Cut

Peyton's First Hair Cut
Originally uploaded by bigdsims.

Peyton got her first hair cut this evening courtesy of Rachelle.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthday Boy

Happy 29th Birthday Freakshow!
It's weird but true...Nathan made it to 29. I mean really, who would have thought? Well as most of the rest of us have already found out, it is definately downhill from here.

Did you think when this picture was taken 10 years ago, that you would be someones Father? I know I didn't. Happy birthday Nathan!