Sunday, February 12, 2006

Puking Kids

So today I started vacation, and we decided we were going to take Peyton to the Zoo for the first time. We got cleaned up, ate breakfast, and headed out. Then about half way to Portland, I look back at Peyton, and she spews all over herself. It's so funny because it barely phases her. She puked again on the way back home and then 2 or 3 times this afternoon. But each time she would tell us and we would go to the toilet and she was totally fine within seconds of finishing spraying the toilet with her oatmeal. It reminded me of when Bella threw up down the front of herself and on to my carpet. To kids it's no big deal, just a little vomit! Kids rock! We stayed in bed this afternoon and she has been puke free for a few hours now, so I think the worst is over.


WNW said...

Back when I was in college I used to be like that. Pukeing is nature's way of saying, "Look! I'm an empty belly! Fill me with RUM!"

WNW said...

BTW: lots of posts today! good job!

Big D Sims said...

I think giving her rum would be a bad thing, child services kind of thing.

WNW said...

additionally I like the redesign, except the "EETH]" on the right side...that's just weird.

WNW said...