Saturday, February 11, 2006

This movie was added to my recommendations page on Netflix several months ago, so I rented it and it has been sitting on my desk for months now, cause I really had never heard of it or even knew what it was about. So last night, Rachelle and I decided to watch a movie and I put it in. She asked what it was, and when I told her "Crash", she said that it had been nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards, and was supposed to be pretty good.

She was right...This movie is fantastic. Not for the special effects, or the cool actors, or any of that crap, but the story and how the many characters all connect in the end was really impressive. There are a lot of big name actors in it, many with bit parts, and apparently it was independent film and the actors took cuts in salaries just to be in it. The movie is about the stereotypes that we all have in our head and our culture in the USA. It's very entertaining, and emotional. Check it out.


Rob said...

wow, way to procrastinate dude! I saw Crash in the theater and loved it, and ever since then people have been commenting on how good it is, what took you so long mang??

WNW said...

I ask one question:

Does Shit Blow Up?

Big D Sims said...

It is not that kind of movie, although there is one scene with a lady trapped in a burning car.

WNW said...

well you said there wer good special effects, in fact you led with that point. Are there aliens? or ninjas? or pirates?

Big D Sims said...

I was saying that it didn't have special effects, so sorry, but still Worth the watch!

Rob said...

nathan, you suck for not having seen this movie already

WNW said...