Saturday, February 25, 2006

Spider-Man Black

Spider-Man 3 is all dressed in black. Looks damn cool. Gives the impression that Venom is probably going to make an appearance in the next movie.


WNW said...

Are you ready? I'm gonna get nerdy on you here. Venom is the symbiotic combination of this guy named Brock and a black costom that used to be Spidey's. Spidey cast it off because it was turning his ass evil. Brock doesn't have a problem with that.

AZdditionally, dude, your brother has 14-year-old girls on his myspace friend's list...that's fucked up right there

Rob said...

First off, Venom IS going to be in the movie, duh! Second, I have no 14 yr old girls on my list.. I figured you to not be dumb but alas I am wrong, but I will just assume you are not familiar with those social sites. So let me just tell you that people can put whatever age they want.. and for whatever reason.. some put up different ages than they actually are, sometimes they will put that they're 80 years old, who knows why. You're referring to Keri, who is actually my age.. I don't know why she put 14. Anyway, an interesting thing is that she is dating that guy who played the sherminator in american pie, I think she left one of the pictures on there.

Big D Sims said...

You can keep telling yourself she isn't 14, but we all know the truth you cradle robber

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

You guys are just jealous. You wish you could get a 14 year old girl. Go Rob.

Rob said...

Thanks buddy!

Big D Sims said...

You know, Jeremy scares me sometimes...