Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthday Boy

Happy 29th Birthday Freakshow!
It's weird but true...Nathan made it to 29. I mean really, who would have thought? Well as most of the rest of us have already found out, it is definately downhill from here.

Did you think when this picture was taken 10 years ago, that you would be someones Father? I know I didn't. Happy birthday Nathan!


WNW said...

Thank you gentlemen :)

I greatly appreciate the gesture.

I consider your friendship to be the greatest gift of all.

Well, that or a Dune Buggy

WNW said...

Additionally my hair is still the coolest, softest and thickest out of any of you bitches

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

I've got cooler hair. Additionally you guys are killing me on the whole turning 29 thing. I'm really dreading it now more than I had been before.

Rob said...

dude, happy belated birthday! Hair is overrated, ask Derek! You guys are old and I rule.

Rob said...

Anything even hinting at having a negative impact on my junk would never enter my body.. besides I don't take anything, and no, I'm 17 man!

WNW said...

I was thinking about going on the roids...where would I score them though? You don't go to a drug dealer I don't think. Do I just go to a gym and say "HEY! YOU GOT SOME ROIDS? I'M NOT IN FOR THIS EXERCISING SHIT!"