Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Speaking of playing DVDs here is a great site that you can check to see what type of discs your dvd player will play. Or if you like me it will be to compare new dvd players because mine are old and don't play anything on them.
I am a movie burning fool with my new DVD drive. I know I am a bad man for doing such terrible things, its just that I have had these movies on VHS at one time or another and I don't watch tapes anymore so it's time to transfer them to dvd. And I just figured out yesterday after I burned 2 movies on dvd+r that both my dvd players won't play dvd+r only dvd-r, which sucks cause I bought the new burner for it's 8x speed with DVD+R. But at least DVD-R is a little faster at 4x rather than 2x. Oh well, I will have to use these new package of +R discs for something else. I have burned several movies lately, I just rented 5 more today of movies I have on vhs so I can get rid of all my vhs tapes. My list is getting large 124 DVD's. I am a bad man, I know.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I watched Mystic River today, and while it was an extremely sad and depressing movie, I enjoyed the overall presentation and the twist in the plot. It is a good movie but definately not a fun ride. If you appreciate a good gritty story watch it.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Now that is just showing off. I think maybe it is time for a new look though.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Well it is Father's Day and I got a new gas grill today. I had one but it busted a few years ago, and I never replaced it, and boy did I miss it. There's nothing like a juicy BBQ steak...MMMM. Anyway fired it up and fired up some boneless ribeye steaks. I love summer!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I have always been a fan of Kazaa Lite K++ because it was spyware free. Here is a new version of it called Kazaa Lite Resurrection, after the real Kazaaa company tried to kill it.
Well it is almost a reality, not really but how cool is this. Beam me up Scotty!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just saw The Chronicles of Riddick and I gotta say I was duly impressed. I am actually impressed by how much I enjoyed the movie, don't get me wrong, Pitch Black was a good movie, but not great. And it was certainly not a movie I forsaw becoming a franchise, but after seeing this one, I believe there is a new Sci-fi series to be top dog. It was action packed from beginning to end, if you like either Sci-fi or action or both, go see this movie, I guarantee you will enjoy yourself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Lakers Lost! Yeah! It totally goes to show that you can't buy a championship. I wonder how many of the Lakers will be back next season, or if Phil Jackson will be back. I think they will let Payton, and Kobe go and possibly even Malone. And I think Phil is done as well. I so hate the Lakers, and I really like Rasheed "the walking technical foul" so I was happy for him.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Good God! This is just wrong.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Star Wars Cartoon
How did I never hear of this the first time around. I am totally gonna watch this.

Monday, June 07, 2004

This game is fucking awesome. Just got it today and all I can say is wow, from the graphics, to the content to the story, to the sound, to the gameplay...Wow! The only thing lacking is multiplayer, but it is one of the best games I have played in I can't remember how long. It makes me wanna go see The Chronicles of Riddick movie this friday, the game is a prequel to Pich Black (which was a movie I really enjoyed several years back) which is a prequel to the new movie. And this is probably the best looking xbox game to date, it uses something called normal mapping which half life 2 and doom 3 will use, looks damn good. If you own and xbox you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't go out and at least rent or buy this game.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

This is serious. Many people have this wireless router including myself. Go here to get the firmware update to keep your network safe from deadbeat losers that want to screw with your system.
CD prices are just too damn high. The average price is still over $13.00, not a good price point for something that most people can get for free, am I wrong here? Now I can see a much better selling point at $9.99 or $8.99 and you know they could still make serious profit off that.
Got this game last week, and am thoroughly impressed. RTS in a new way.
I have always thought of vacationing here someday, but I think the sulfuric acid rain sounds like a real spoiler!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

You know, I had no idea our founding fathers were so gay!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Here you go Nathan, this is our house.