Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just saw The Chronicles of Riddick and I gotta say I was duly impressed. I am actually impressed by how much I enjoyed the movie, don't get me wrong, Pitch Black was a good movie, but not great. And it was certainly not a movie I forsaw becoming a franchise, but after seeing this one, I believe there is a new Sci-fi series to be top dog. It was action packed from beginning to end, if you like either Sci-fi or action or both, go see this movie, I guarantee you will enjoy yourself.


WNW said...

It got terrible reviews. I still want to see it though

I've been meaning to ask why do you use the symbol of the Phantom on this page? The Phantom is a vaporware scam according to what I read on the net

Big D Sims said...

I like the helmet!