Monday, June 07, 2004

This game is fucking awesome. Just got it today and all I can say is wow, from the graphics, to the content to the story, to the sound, to the gameplay...Wow! The only thing lacking is multiplayer, but it is one of the best games I have played in I can't remember how long. It makes me wanna go see The Chronicles of Riddick movie this friday, the game is a prequel to Pich Black (which was a movie I really enjoyed several years back) which is a prequel to the new movie. And this is probably the best looking xbox game to date, it uses something called normal mapping which half life 2 and doom 3 will use, looks damn good. If you own and xbox you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't go out and at least rent or buy this game.


WNW said...

So if I understand the plot right The game is first, then pitch black, then The Chronicles of Riddick...right?

Big D Sims said...
