Monday, October 11, 2004

I am constantly amazed at how fast kids grow. Peyton is about 22 months old now, and it still seems like it was yesterday she fit in my hand. Oh and in case you can't tell she likes stuffed animals.


Rob said...

yeah like you didn't put all those stuffed animals around her before you took the picture! by the way, you are old

Big D Sims said...

I promise you, I didn't. She has to have as many as she can possibly carry with her at all times.

WNW said...

What can I say, he's right you are old

WNW said...

Well you and Derek at least...Dan is too. Me and Jeremey are still rockin' it though.

Big D Sims said...

Got news for ya pal. You are now officially old. Child does that to you. Jeremy is the oldest of us all. Dan can still cling to youth.

Rob said...

HAHAHA! I'm young.. I also would like to point out that I rule