Wednesday, October 13, 2004

So I am on vacation this week, I haven't taken an actual vacation from all work in like a year. We got our yard finished, Rachelle planted the last of the grass seed, now it is just wait and see. It turned out pretty nice, we did a bunch of landscaping in the front with plants and crap. We took Peyton to the beach, which I haven't been to in like years, which is sad since I live 2 minutes away. She had a blast until a wave came in and we had to run as to not get wet.

I watched several movies this weekend, Four Rooms, Swingers, Monsters Inc. I stayed home with Peyton Monday and Tuesday, and we watched the Indiana Jones trilogy and the star wars trilogy, I forgot how much I liked those movies. What is so cool, is that Peyton really seemed to enjoy the Star Wars movies. I thought she might be afraid of some of the monsters, but not at all. When she saw the Ice monster in Empire she said, "oooh, pretty cool." How neat is that? What makes it even that much more cool, is that she really doesn't like to watch movies, or TV for that matter, but Star Wars is good for all. We watched the Day After Tomorrow last night, makes me want to use tons of aerosol and Styrofoam. Cool effects, soft story.

We played some Xbox the last two days: Tony Hawk Underground 2, Mortal Kombat Deception, ESPN NBA 2K5, Full Spectrum Warrior, Fable, and Sudeki. I have to say I really like Xbox live, not only for the occasional multiplayer, where I get my ass kicked, but for the downloadable content. I downloaded a new level for Full Spectrum warrior, it was good, but damn hard to beat. I finally finished Sudeki, and while I liked the game, the ending totally sucked. You beat the end guy and it rolls the credits, that's it! No story, no FMV, nothing! Oh and the voice acting in that game is horrid.

Today, I am gonna do the recycling, it has taken over 1 side of my garage. I have about 8 garbage bags of cans and bottles in that mess which is good, because it means $$$ for my Halo 2 fund, 26 days to go!

Oh and damn Honda for making their cars secure. Rachelle's battery was dying on the accord, so I went to Schwab to get it replaced, no problem. So I get back in the car to leave and there is a weird message on the stereo, and the disc has been spit out. So I try to get the disc to go back in and press a bunch of buttons until the message changes and now it does nothing. Turns out that if the battery is disconnected the stereo goes into security mode and can only be used again after the security code is reentered. This is bad, because I forgot about the damn code. I did finally find it, but apparently I entered in the wrong code too many times when I was pushing buttons, and now it is locked out. The only way to fix it is to let it be on for over an hour then you can try the code again. Are you kidding me? An hour, not only is this a long time to sit in the car, but it is a damn long time to be in the car with no music. Honda will pay for this. I kid you not.


WNW said...

I hate Honda's secure headrests.

Big D Sims said...

shit i forgot about that. Whatever you do, don't turn your headrest backwards for the love of god!