Friday, October 01, 2004

Switching browsers and Other Such Tech Stuff

So I have completely switched my internet browser from Microsoft Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox. And I love it. Firefox is almost perfect and far safer than IE. It took me a little while to break the IE habbit, because it was comfortable and there really wasn't anything else. But I am done with IE now and forever. The only thing that I don't like about Firefox is that when I select a larger font size (cause my eyes suck and my monitor is too small) it always reverts back to the default whenever I restart the program. But really haven't found anything else that I don't like, and I am sure that the font thing will be fixed with later releases. Go try it!

Also recently got a new mouse. It is cobalt blue like Nathan's Dog, is wireless which is the only way to go, and it has the crazy wheel that scrolls from side to side as well as up and down. It rocks.
Wireless Intellimouse Explorer

And finally, I got a new email address. I already had too many emails to begin with, but since I got an invitation to Google's new email, Gmail, and is by invitation only right now, I figured I would give it a shot. And so far I am pretty pleased with it, though I am still a little leary to use it on any websites in fear of spam. It has 1 gb of storage space which is a ton of space, and a great search tool, but I hate spam with all my being and have had to abandon more than one account due to the overwhelming volume of spam I was receiving.


WNW said...

Dude, my Dog is not blue.

And I use Netscape! Tabbed browsing is Da BOMB!

Big D Sims said...

Firefox has tabbed browsing, it and netscape are both made off of the mozilla source code I believe.