Friday, October 01, 2004

Well I have about 2 weeks to get my grass planted or else I won’t be able to do it until spring. So Rachelle and I both took Tuesday off and worked all day in the yard. We worked all day, I shoveled 4 truck loads of top soil, 4 truck loads of bark dust, and we planted about 30-40 plants and shrubs. And as much as I hated doing it, I have to admit it already looks 100 times better. But try telling that to my aching back, arms, and legs. I will probably only need about 1 more full day of work for it to be done, it is just a matter of when. Rachelle even tried out the sprinkler system, but the heads need to be adjusted cause my drive way was all wet and there was a giant puddle over one of the sprinklers up against the foundation of the house which is not really a good thing. The installer will come take a look in the morning. Tomorrow, we were going to have a neighborhood BBQ which we did once before and had a lot of fun, but all but one of the couples had to cancel. Oh well more pie for me.

1 comment:

WNW said...

You don't need any pie you lard-ass!