Friday, October 01, 2004

I have been watching a lot of movies, I got a membership with Netflix so I can rent as many as I want a month 3 out at a time. I was sorely disappointed in the Ladykillers with Tom Hanks, but very much enjoyed Man on Fire with Denzel Washington, if you haven't seen it, and like a good action movie, definitely go get it. There is a scene where he duct tapes a guys hands to the steering wheel of a car with his fingers extended, and cuts his fingers off one by one to get information out of him, damn that was cool. I forgot how much I like the remake of the Punisher, and the last Star Trek, Nemesis. My collection just keeps growning I 2 Fast 2 Furious Balde, added the animatrix, contact, armageddon, and Kill Bill 2 which I like a great deal more than the first.

I got rid of my cable and signed up with Dish Network. I get more channels and I get a Dual Digital Video Recorder that works with both TVs and can record up to 100 hours each, which I think is really cool, for the same amount of money. With the DVR and my dvd burner, I will have no need for a VCR ever again.

If I haven't said it before, Nip Tuck, is the best damn show on TV. It is the only show I make a point to watch every week. New episodes are on Tuesday at 10 on FX, but keep in mind this is not a show for the kids. There is a lot of nudity, sex, drugs, incest, graphic surgeries, violence, foul language, and other entertaining adult themes. I haven't been so glued to a show since the first year of Fox's 24 which went downhill after first season. Watch this show!

Finally, I purchased the long awaited, highly anticipated XBOX game Fable made by the same guy who made the very good PC game Black or White, Peter Molyneux. And while not perfect, it is a damn engrossing game. You can completely customize your character. You can get tattoos, have different hairstyles, your face and body will change based on the decisions you make in the game, like growing horns if you are always bad, or having all your hair turn white and you will have a glow and a halo emanate from you if you are good. You will get fat if you eat pies and drink beer all the time, or you can get big and buff if you use a great deal of melee combat rather than magic or ranged combat. People in the towns will react different towards you based on your renown. They cheer you if you are good, or run and cower from you if you are bad. And the music is fantastic, and really fits the feel and mood of the game. Danny Elfman, who has done everything from the Simpsons, to the Nightmare before Christmas, did the score. The graphics are very good, and the over all look is very unmistakably Fable. All and all a very good game, I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys RPGs.
Anyway that's about all I got for now.


WNW said...

Dish Network is roxor my boxors

I need to get Fable

Big D Sims said...

not as of yet, it is on the side of the house that doesnt get much wind