Saturday, November 06, 2004

A couple of memorable quotes taken by the BBC News for a survey of US citizens living in Europe who voted in the election. It really amazes me how some people can be so blind folded. It is very scary. These first three people actually made some sense though. Really. But the rest were just baffling. The questions asked were:

What convinced you to re-elect Bush? What are your hopes for his second term?

"I voted for Bush, so that he can clean up all his mess during his second term. No-one else should be made responsible for all his folly and self-disillusioned war on terror."
-Jaime Stuart

Good point, but I seriously doubt he will fix anything.

"I am saddened that I live in a country of intolerance toward other cultures and beliefs. I am saddened that our country believes it can arrogantly push its ideals of democracy on everybody else. With the erosion of our own civil rights, how can we hope to bring any to those in other countries? As for those who say this president supports Christian values, whatever happened to 'love thy neighbor'? Our country is more concerned with interfering with other people's privacy than actually helping anyone. I hope all you Bush-supporters lose your jobs in the next four years of economic crisis."
-Sara Smith, Atlanta, GA

Oh They Will...

"I wish Bush would resign. As a young American I registered to vote simply to vote against him. Something truly scares me about a man that cannot properly pronounce nuclear having control of the world's largest nuclear armament."
-John Doe, Charlotte, USA

Don't worry, the next President probably won't be able to say Nuclear either. If you listen to many conservative pundits they say it will be THE GOVERNATOR Schwartzenegger. He will have to get the constitution amended, but then he can blow up what's left that Bush didn't. I hope its like his movie The Running Man in the future.

"I voted for Bush to usher in the complete and utter destruction of the United States. Sometimes, you just have to tear it all down and start over again. No one will destroy America faster than Bush. Go Bush!"
-Tim, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Well, that is one way to use your vote effectively.

"Bush is against abortion and that is all that matters to me. That is the only issue I consider and there are a lot of Americans who feel the same way. Some people say it is ignorant to disregard the other issues, and maybe it is, but that is how I feel."
-Bertha, Upstate NY

That is a very Scary Statement!

"I voted for Bush because I am Pro-Life and against gay marriage. Bush stands more for these issues than does the Democratic Party."
-David Schultz, Fenton, Iowa, USA

Good thing that is the only important issue out there cause we will all be unemployed soon enough.

"He is a good man with clarity in his beliefs, and he sets a good example for my children. God Bless President Bush."
-Carrie, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

OK, I don't care who you voted for, that's just scary!

"It does not matter how intelligent you are if you're wise in your own eyes and it doesn't matter how well you are able to speak if your words are clanging cymbals but it does matter who you worship and serve. You are unable to lead and serve others if you do not serve God first."
-Penny, USA

"GOD", bible thumpers really frighten me.

"Gay marriage and abortion are a threat to our culture and security. I voted to preserve the morale values of this country."
-Howard, Chicago, USA

This is true, I was almost killed by a gay abortion doctor... Thank goodness for Bush.

"I disagree with many of his policies and would not have voted for him except for the fact that I am sick and tired of these people telling me that I am not smart enough to figure out for myself what is right and what is wrong. The Republicans should thank Moore and give him a prominent table at the inauguration!"
-Michael C, NY, USA

You showed them how smart you are, way to go Michael! You voted for someone simply because someone who you don't know, doesn't agree with the President's foreign policy. Way to make an informed decision.

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