Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I can't even tell you how disappointed in this country I am, this qoute pretty much sums it up....
"One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.

It's a sad and shameful dat to be an american."

-trent reznor


Big D Sims said...

Damn the lure of the oceans and damn those bible thumping idots, oh and what the hell is with Oregon baning gay marrige, I thought we were a smart democratic state?

WNW said...


Anonymous said...

As a stated opponent of "corporate greed", how do you justify working for company who is on the Fortune 500 list, and sells for profit, which by the way you benefit financially from? signed " Proud to be an American!", in a FREE SPEAKING NATION.

Big D Sims said...

While it is true that I work for corporate america, for a Fortune 50 Company, I do not always agree with everything that this company does, but it is a way in which I provide for my family as many other americans do. Do I work for a company that does amorale things, No. Do I work for a company like walmart that doesn't provide benefits, or decent wages to it's employees, no. I work for a company that does in fact functions to make profit, as does any other company out there. That doesn't however make me a hipacrite, or anything of the sort in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Define Corporate Greed?