Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Halo 2, I love you.
Well it has finally arrived, and I couldn't be more pleased. I played for a good several hours of single player campaign, and it is damn good. I bought the collectors' edition which comes in a really cool metal dvd box, and comes with a very well done dvd disc. You get to play as the covenant, which is pretty damn cool. Now I need to get a couple other halo 2 owners to join me in a lan party.


Big D Sims said...

Graphics are much better, the gameplay is about the same with some new features like jacking vehicles, and duel weapons which kicks ass. All the vehicles have been improved and upgraded, there are several new weapons. The single player is very good, I have played about 3-4 hours and it is damn fun. I haven't tried multi on live yet. I am gonna wait till I finish single player.

Big D Sims said...

Oh also, the soundtrack is amazing as is amazing, probably the best video game soundtrack I have ever heard. The enemy and friendly AI in the game also rock, extremely intelligent, and I have yet to see repeating patterns. I have also heard a few celebrity voices in it, Ron Pearlman, Orlando Jones, Laura Prepon the red head from that 70's show, etc. Michele Rodriquez is a marine, I got her killed in no time flat riding on my tank though. I love the look of the game they normal mapped everything like The Chronicles of Riddick game so it looks sweet. And I bought the Collectors edition, and it came in a Bad Ass metal dvd case with a cool and very well done dvd. Oh and the energy sword kick ass, nothing like spearing someone in the back with it. This is the defining game for xbox. If you own an xbox, you must own this game. There is no greater game to show the potential of the machine as well as any first person shooter on any platform, PS2, Game Cube, or PC that do it as well as this one.

WNW said...

GTA:SA is better.

Big D Sims said...

Doubt It!