Thursday, November 18, 2004

I watched Shrek 2 the other night, and I have to say I enjoyed it more than the first. This is pretty rare, in fact, I can't remember any other sequel having the same effect. I can't believe how good computer animated movies are getting. And with so many great CGI movies that came out in the last few years (Finding Nemo, Toy Story 1 & 2, Shrek 1 & 2, Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life, Ice Age), it is really getting me excited to see the new crop (The Incredibles, Robots, Cars, Shark Tale, The Polar Express, & Madagascar. I am hoping we will do away with stupid actors soon.


WNW said...

Aliens, you like Aliens more than Alien. Other canidates are Empire Strikes Back, Road Warrior, Leathal Weapon 2, Diehard 2, and The Great Muppet Caper

WNW said...

I havn't seen great muppet caper in a lot time so I'm not sure. The first one is super awesome though.

Rob said...

dude, just because you have a kid doesn't mean you have to watch their movies.. I mean c'mon, well besides Shrek because thats a cool movie

Big D Sims said...

Have you watched any of them, because they really are good. Asswad!

WNW said...

No, I'm pretty sure Rob is right. You're a pussy man. Sorry

Big D Sims said...

You bitches are goin down!

Rob said...

haha, shouldn't you dads be setting an example for your kids.. fighting doesn't solve anything. And if you wanna fight, at least do it over something cool.. not lame childrens movies.. plus there is a retirement village built on the pit now, of course it would be cool to fight in a retirement village..hmmm

WNW said... seems you've forgotten about my patented fighting techniques! The mouth-kiss and the thumb-in-the-ass. These two techniques make me INVINCIBLE!