Sunday, November 28, 2004

Ok so I worked all day thanksgiving, but I got home at 6:30 and we had a nice dinner. Ate myself silly, wouldn't be thanksgiving without gorging myself now would it? I have been working a ton of hours lately, to get ready for out twice yearly inventory at work, so that blows. Chased after a shoplifter, he got away, but I followed him on foot while I talked to the cops on my cell phone, thinking to myself that they would intercept him since the cop shop is 2 blocks away and he was headed towards them on foot. Fortunately, I recognized him from high school, I think he was a year ahead of me Jeremy Carol, and he had previously been busted for shoplifting from us before, which makes it a much more sever crime. Criminal trespassing and burglary now. Stupid bastard!

I've watched a couple movies, Elf was hilarious, Chronicles of Riddick kicks ass, and Stepford wives was just ok. I've been playing Halo 2, which have I mention kicks ass, Ghost Recon 2, which is a vast improvement over the first, even though I really enjoyed it, and I've been playing Dead or Alive Ultimate, which is a lot of fun, but repetitive, but god it is gorgeous. Saw the latest Red vs. Blue thanksgiving special (Halo animation series). And they talked about something called a Turduken which I thought was just something made up. But it turns out it is real. It is a Cajun thing, damn Cajun food is weird, and why the hell would I want to put a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey? Oh and my Pioneer MP3 deck stopped working in my truck last week. I can't tell you how much it sucks to drive in absolute silence (I drive 30 minutes to and from work every day). It makes me want to kill people even more so than I already do. A friend of mine is looking at it and gonna try to fix it, and he put my stock CD player in so that I don't become a homicidal manic.

Oh gotta mention this, cause it makes me laugh just thinking about it.
My main man Dan went to Colorado, on the way home he called me on his cell. He was out in the middle of fucking nowhere Iowa, and got pulled over for speeding, (82 in a 65 mph zone). The cop gives him the regular do you know how fast you were going routine, and asks why, tells Dan he is gonna give him a ticket. Then the cop says, "Can you step out of the car sir?" Dan thinking he heard wrong says, "Excuse me?" Cop says, "Step out of the car sir." So Dan gets out of the car and by this time is starting to freak out a little inside. The cop then tells him to follow him to the police car and to get into the passenger seat. Now Dan is really freaking out, thinking this is some horrible backwoods nightmare cop story you see on TV. He reluctantly gets in to the police car and the cop gets in the driver's seat. So now all Dan can think is, "Oh my god, he's gonna make me suck his cock!" So he says, "Am I in trouble?" The cop tells him he can hear better in the car, and that it is safer than standing on the highway, and no big deal after all. But can you even imagine. I think he was gonna tell Dan to suck it, until he saw Dan in the light....Ha ha.. Sorry Dan, but that is classic! Watch for those speed traps.


WNW said...

HAHAHAH! I got a present for you little boy!

I can see Jeremy Carol doing that. He was never a smart guy. I bought by first gram from him....well actually Jeremey bought it. I just picked it up and smoked it. I'm a terrible bastard

WNW said...

Exfuck me? $15 for a gram. The first time J got weed that's how much we got. You were in fucking Sweden at the time cocksack. Maybe someone did a little too much and his memory got ker-frizzeled.