Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well it is that time again, the start of Summer. And once again I am baffled by the sheer number of people who come to my little town each summer. The population of Seaside, Oregon is like 6000 but come summer time it balloons up to like 50,000. I guess I just don't get it, it rains here a lot, and I mean a lot! The ocean is damn cold, there really isn't anything cool to do unless your a kid under 10, even the arcade sucks, $3.00 to play a damn game for 30 seconds, are you out of your mind? But each year they come in droves, each year surpassing the last. And this year will be the worst yet with thousands of people coming from all over the country to celebrate the Lewis and Clark bicentennial here. I mean they do have some cool stuff like the Budweiser Beach Volleyball tournament in august, the Miss Oregon pageant (which is ok), and the Hood to Coast Run (which is only cool because the run is followed by 2 days of beer gardens on the beach). And what is even more unbelievable is that they have opened a giant time share condo where you can pay $40,000 and up to have a room for 2 weeks a year, and it is booked solid year round. Or you could be one of the many thousands of people who have bought or built these giant million dollar beach houses and only use it a couple weekends a year. But if you are like me you can barely afford 1 miniscule house payment let alone 2. But I guess all these people are good for the local economy, since there really is no industry to speak of other than tourism. So I will simply curse at them as I wait in the endless lines of traffic this summer and think to myself..."It will all be over come labor day."

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Found this American Express site with superman and jerry seinfeld. Pretty funny flash commercials. Here is a brief article about the commercials.
I am a windows user, and I have an ipod. I love my ipod, but I am not to impressed with the way you get songs onto your ipod. You have 2 choices, musicmatch or itunes. In my opinion they both suck! But today I found this plugin for winamp (which even in its latest versions I find to be a far better player than musicmatch) and all is well in the world again.
This really says it all, and I will leave it at that.
I used to jump off of a lot of different bridges when I was youger, but I think this is one bridge I would have decided against.
I think he's making a doodie!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Dog owners: For the love of your Dogs, beware of Killer Swans!
Oh my god! This is a chick! I especially like the padlock around her neck, that's a nice touch. Nathan should of got a tattoo like hers.
I can't respect a man who laughs like this. "Tee Hee...I am a cute little grrl..Tee Hee."
Well I beat Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow yesterday. That game rocks even moreso than the first. It is too short though. Now if I could just beat Ninja Gaiden, that game is so damn hard, but pretty. So sad... need a new fix. Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay is gonna be a bad ass game. I played the demo last night and am justly impressed, it really does look like Vin Diesel and he has a damn cool voice. Comes out June 1st.
Why all the fuss about google's upcoming email? Google Mail is cool and all and I do like the 1GB of storage, but I don't think I like the fact that they scan thru your email and provide you targeted ads based on what emails you get. I get enough spam as it is.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Well, today I got to fire someone and it felt kinda good. I am tired of everyone feeling like they should get 2nd and 3rd chances at everything because life is hard, or life has been rough for them. Tough Shit! Welcome to adulthood. If I have to be the one to give you a wake up call that life is not always fair, then so be it. Don't expect me to bend rules for you because your a sorry excuse for an adult. Anyway saw nathan's tattoo and have decided to get one because Jeremy belittled me about not having one. In fact I am gonna tattoo my entire face. Yeah right loser! It sounds like to me that Colin and I are the only one's with our own minds. Ha ha.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Tell me again, this is my fearless leader why?

If only I still had a head of hair, I could finally be in style!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Now this is a World Record to be broken. Do you suppose the ride was hosed down after this stunt?

Friday, May 21, 2004

Rockaway beach is nice, this is a pic I took there Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Cool site if you like anything to do with super heros: batman, spiderman, blade, etc. Yes, I am a geek.
This is hilarious and true!

Monday, May 17, 2004

I can't tell you how much having kids makes you feel like a "grown-up". My daughter was very sick this morning throwing up, she is only 17 months old and is just so upset by the whole puking thing. And you have no idea how much it pains me inside to see her hurt and upset. She threw up like 8 times today, and there was nothing I could do but hold her and feed her popsicles. If you had asked me if I wanted kids three years ago, I would of said, "I am never having kids." If you ask me today if I am glad to be a father, I would tell you that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and that I would give and do anything for my daughter Peyton. Wow, I feel like an adult, how scary is that? BTW...Good luck Nathan, I think you will make a great dad.
Not only am I voting for John Kerry cause I think Little George is a Tool, but I am also voting for Kerry because of his daughter.
Today I made someone cry at work. And I think I let my mean side take over. Background...She is a new employee, and it was her first real day on the job, and she wore a T-shirt and tan pants (uniform is black slacks and white collared shirt). So I bring her in to my office and I say, "After today you need to be in uniform or I will send you home." So she replies, "I don't have any money, and I haven't had a job in three months, and I can't afford to buy new clothes right now." Now keep in mind I wasn't have the best of days, and was a little bit frustrated that she was like 15 minutes late so I responded to her, "I feel real bad about that, but that's not my problem, I don't care if you have to borrow someone's clothes, or borrow money to buy them, but you will wear the appropriate attire or don't bother coming back to work. Oh and if your late again I will write you up, then I will fire you." And with a tear in her eye and a whimpering voice she said, "OK." And I told her, "Now get back to work!" The best part is that I didn't feel the least bit bad about it. In fact it kind of felt good, is that wrong? Oh well, I haven't had the pleasure of firing anyone in like months, so I guess I was just having withdrawals.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Well I have to say I am a little ashamed, but I am addicted to a really bad TV show called "Pimp My Ride" on MTV. It really is the exact same show every week, crappy car or truck, some wannabe pimp kid, an insane amount of upgrades, screaming kid, etc. Same formula every week. But I love checking out the stuff they do to these cars. Now keep in mind I could never afford to do the things that they do to these cars, but even if I could, I don't think I would go to those extremes. I mean they put in $30-$80 thousand dollars in to a car that is maybe worth $1000 usually less. My question is why not just buy a new car? But in all seriousness, every week I think to myself, "I wish they would pimp my ride." And I am not sure why cause my truck is decent, and it is only 2 years old, but none the less, I still keep dreaming of a DVD player that pops down from the ceiling and 20 inch rims, I mean "dubs". I know it's sad, but I don't care.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Yesterday was a good but expensive day. I went to Fry's to check out their anniversary sale, and found a couple deals I just couldn't pass up. I bought a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro for like $70 off and I got an 8x DVD burner for $70. Now I can burn a dvd in 8 minutes. Yeah for me. Now I need to find a home for my old video card and dvd burner.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Wow, just when you think you have seen all the weird stuff on the internet, out of nowhere comes, "Subservient Chicken". Now this guy is just plain disturbing.
Got a good laugh out of this site. Be warned it is not for the ladies, it contains rude language and the word beech is mentioned many times. So you guys that feel very liberal, PC and like to fantasise about wearing your mums undies then don't click the link.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Damn OPEC. I got gas this morning on my way to work and it cost $2.169 per gallon. It cost me over $30 to fill my tank. That is just plain wrong. Could be worse though, California has it at over $3.00 per gallon. Ouch!
I knew it was true aliens do exist!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I am beyond excited today. As anyone who knows me is aware of, I am a huge Nine Inch Nails fan, and have been since 1989. Today I went on to the computer while I got ready for work and for some reason decided to check out the official site, and to my suprise it had finally come alive after over a year of being dormant. And what's better is the announcement of a new record to come out this year. I can't tell you how excited I am.

Found a new site I like...PoopReport. I found it quite good.
Blah Blah Blah!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Well it is Mother's day, and I have to ask myself who came up with this holiday? Now don't get me wrong, I think Mothers are great and my wife is a great Mother but shouldn't they feel as though this holiday is kind of "half ass". I mean no one gets the day paid off, there is no real theme to it, it really is a holiday simply created to generate profit for greeting card companies and florists. But just the same Happy Mothers' Day to all the Moms out there.

Saw this and thought, "This is taking your job way to seriously."

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I just started my very own blog this evening...Wow I must be important now.
I saw Van Helsing this evening, and I gotta say I was a little unsure of this movie. It had the potential to be over-hyped dribble. But after seeing it I have to say I am more than pleasantly surprised. That was one of the more enjoyably entertaining movies I have seen in a very long time. Tell your friends
....More to follow