Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Damn OPEC. I got gas this morning on my way to work and it cost $2.169 per gallon. It cost me over $30 to fill my tank. That is just plain wrong. Could be worse though, California has it at over $3.00 per gallon. Ouch!


Anonymous said...

Dude, It cost me 40 bucks to fill my Exploder last weekend. Which reminds me - have you ever heard of Estby? It is a gas chain around here and they run out of gas all the time and - as dictated by the rules of supply and demand - hike their prices accordingly. GAS WAS 2.40 PER GALLON! Bastards. My ass hair could run a better gas station.

- Colin

Anonymous said...

Quit you bitchin'. We're up to 2.35

I'm getting the motorcycle up just because it's cheaper