Monday, May 17, 2004

Today I made someone cry at work. And I think I let my mean side take over. Background...She is a new employee, and it was her first real day on the job, and she wore a T-shirt and tan pants (uniform is black slacks and white collared shirt). So I bring her in to my office and I say, "After today you need to be in uniform or I will send you home." So she replies, "I don't have any money, and I haven't had a job in three months, and I can't afford to buy new clothes right now." Now keep in mind I wasn't have the best of days, and was a little bit frustrated that she was like 15 minutes late so I responded to her, "I feel real bad about that, but that's not my problem, I don't care if you have to borrow someone's clothes, or borrow money to buy them, but you will wear the appropriate attire or don't bother coming back to work. Oh and if your late again I will write you up, then I will fire you." And with a tear in her eye and a whimpering voice she said, "OK." And I told her, "Now get back to work!" The best part is that I didn't feel the least bit bad about it. In fact it kind of felt good, is that wrong? Oh well, I haven't had the pleasure of firing anyone in like months, so I guess I was just having withdrawals.


WNW said...

Jesus man...

Anonymous said...

LOL, I think what Nathan means it "Jesus man, YOU'RE MY HERO!." You can't let the fricking puppy dog pouting sway you, you're the boss and if you let that shit slide then everyone would do it.

I especially liked the "I will write you up and then I will fire you." part. It was delightfully premeditated and it put the appropriate emphasis on your point, albeit there HAD to be something slightly illegal about it. Also, the "get back to work part"... I picture you standing up out of your chair and pounding your fists on the desk while you said it. Is that how it went down?
