Monday, May 17, 2004

I can't tell you how much having kids makes you feel like a "grown-up". My daughter was very sick this morning throwing up, she is only 17 months old and is just so upset by the whole puking thing. And you have no idea how much it pains me inside to see her hurt and upset. She threw up like 8 times today, and there was nothing I could do but hold her and feed her popsicles. If you had asked me if I wanted kids three years ago, I would of said, "I am never having kids." If you ask me today if I am glad to be a father, I would tell you that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and that I would give and do anything for my daughter Peyton. Wow, I feel like an adult, how scary is that? BTW...Good luck Nathan, I think you will make a great dad.


WNW said...

Thanks man,

also, maybe she wouldn't puke so much if she wasn't such a lush.

Anonymous said...

I agree is sucks. The first time Isabella threw a puker she looked at me like it was all my fault. It is truly a horrible feeling because there is nothing you can do about it and they don't really understand what it is to be "sick".
