Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Well, today I got to fire someone and it felt kinda good. I am tired of everyone feeling like they should get 2nd and 3rd chances at everything because life is hard, or life has been rough for them. Tough Shit! Welcome to adulthood. If I have to be the one to give you a wake up call that life is not always fair, then so be it. Don't expect me to bend rules for you because your a sorry excuse for an adult. Anyway saw nathan's tattoo and have decided to get one because Jeremy belittled me about not having one. In fact I am gonna tattoo my entire face. Yeah right loser! It sounds like to me that Colin and I are the only one's with our own minds. Ha ha.


WNW said...

Blah Blah Blah...FUCK SHIT!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

well at least get a penis ring.