Sunday, May 16, 2004

Well I have to say I am a little ashamed, but I am addicted to a really bad TV show called "Pimp My Ride" on MTV. It really is the exact same show every week, crappy car or truck, some wannabe pimp kid, an insane amount of upgrades, screaming kid, etc. Same formula every week. But I love checking out the stuff they do to these cars. Now keep in mind I could never afford to do the things that they do to these cars, but even if I could, I don't think I would go to those extremes. I mean they put in $30-$80 thousand dollars in to a car that is maybe worth $1000 usually less. My question is why not just buy a new car? But in all seriousness, every week I think to myself, "I wish they would pimp my ride." And I am not sure why cause my truck is decent, and it is only 2 years old, but none the less, I still keep dreaming of a DVD player that pops down from the ceiling and 20 inch rims, I mean "dubs". I know it's sad, but I don't care.


WNW said...

Dude, I pimp my Exploder. It's cool

Anonymous said...

I feel too old for MTV these days. Something I told myself years ago I would never let happen. At any rate my point is that whenever I am flipping past MTV I stop at "Pimp My Ride" and check it out. It always makes me want to buy a beater and fix it up.


Anonymous said...

I dont have Mtv...I haven't watched it since 1987

WNW said...

That's me above BTW