Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well it is that time again, the start of Summer. And once again I am baffled by the sheer number of people who come to my little town each summer. The population of Seaside, Oregon is like 6000 but come summer time it balloons up to like 50,000. I guess I just don't get it, it rains here a lot, and I mean a lot! The ocean is damn cold, there really isn't anything cool to do unless your a kid under 10, even the arcade sucks, $3.00 to play a damn game for 30 seconds, are you out of your mind? But each year they come in droves, each year surpassing the last. And this year will be the worst yet with thousands of people coming from all over the country to celebrate the Lewis and Clark bicentennial here. I mean they do have some cool stuff like the Budweiser Beach Volleyball tournament in august, the Miss Oregon pageant (which is ok), and the Hood to Coast Run (which is only cool because the run is followed by 2 days of beer gardens on the beach). And what is even more unbelievable is that they have opened a giant time share condo where you can pay $40,000 and up to have a room for 2 weeks a year, and it is booked solid year round. Or you could be one of the many thousands of people who have bought or built these giant million dollar beach houses and only use it a couple weekends a year. But if you are like me you can barely afford 1 miniscule house payment let alone 2. But I guess all these people are good for the local economy, since there really is no industry to speak of other than tourism. So I will simply curse at them as I wait in the endless lines of traffic this summer and think to myself..."It will all be over come labor day."


WNW said...

You need to post a pict of the new house

Also...what's the story on the DVD burner and the video card.

WNW said...

Also, I just took a look at the pict with your daughter. Are you wearing braces?

Anonymous said...

the promise of a bikini-baby or a drunken high school and/or college slut, and the moment to moment party fouls can entice the usual mob-rule party goers. shit, half our class made a career of getting laid on it. small-coastal-townie-slutts!

Anonymous said...

Your blog does not allow anonymous comments, yo. Same with Jeremy.

That's lame.


WNW said... need to read that post again Colin

Big D Sims said...

Ok, Nathan the burner is still up for sale same as the video card, and no i am not wearing braces, and colin you are a moron, you posted anonymously, and I think DM is some sort of insane person, in the house, what house, but you all rock!

Anonymous said...

I was talking about dan's blog.

WNW said...

DM is Dan Ma....

how much you asking and what kind of video card is it?

Also, if they aren't braces WTF is on your teeth man? Do you brush?

Big D Sims said...

I know who dm is. It is a 128mb geforce 4mx 440 8xagp $30
and a 2x dvd-r/rw burner. $40

WNW said...

Hmmm...I'll have to get OK from the wife for the burner but I desperatly need one of those. The video card. I'm using a Ati 9200 128 Mb so I'm pretty sure that's about the same.

WNW said...

I'll buy the DVD burner off you. Lauren sarcastically gave me permission so I'm going to sarcastically buy your burner. Rock on.

Big D Sims said...

Sounds good, I will box it up and send it out this week, then i will let you know what to pay me with shipping.

WNW said...

It would be better if you just came down to visit...

Big D Sims said...

If only I had time to do that. with only 1 day off a week it makes it hard.

WNW said...

how the hell did you get roped into that?