Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Programmer or Killer

God, I did really bad on this one, only got 5 out of 10 right! I need to study up on my Serial Killers!

Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Manchowder Rocks

Well, I guess my brother rocks after all. He just called in to KUFO 101.1 in Portland and won a pair of tickets to the Nine Inch Nails show in Vancouver on Memorial Day Weekend! And since I have pretty much carried his ass my whole life, he did the right thing and invited me along. Way to go little Bro! Don't think this makes us even.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Trent Reznor

This is just a damn cool picture from a show last night in Miami. Speaking of, Nine Inch Nails will be playing the Clark County Amphitheater, which is just outside of Vancouver, WA in May with the Bauhaus, and TV on the Radio. I think it would be cool if we got a few people together and did it. Don't be a bunch of lame asses either! I'm warning you!!! No excuses this time!

Where Is Pac-Man Now?

Whatever happened to Pac-Man? Well apparently he turned to drugs, boos, and porn. Way to go Pac-Man, way to go!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This Game Rocks!

Holy Crap this game is good. What is it with Ubisoft and Tom Clancy Games? Is it even possible for them to make a bad game? Believe the hype, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is probably the best example of what is instore for next gen games, and boy does it impress. I have only been playing for a short time today, but all I can say is wow! What's weird is that I was starting to believe I was all about games that got rid of the HUD (Heads Up Display), but after playing with this game, I have definitely changed my mind. If all games did the HUD like Ghost Recon AW, no one would ever complain again. If you have a 360, and they are starting to be easier to find (costco $479 for Premium 360, 2 wireless controllers, play cand charge kits, and a game for $479), go check this game out, you won't regret it.

Oh by the way, this game has Colin written all over it... Though if he gets it, we may never see him again. I see a Lan game in the near future.

A Collection to Rival Even Nathan's

This is the largest collection of video games I have ever seen, looks like a damn super video store. Check out the photos with 1 lucky kid. Damn that's a lot of games.

For Nathan

You know fighting games are not nearly as gratuitously violent anymore. I miss that! Here is a clip featuring every single Mortal Kombat 3 Fatality! Nice!

Friday, March 10, 2006

NES Turned 20 Last Month

It is hard to believe that Nintendo has been around for 20 freakin years. Damn, I loved my Nintendo Entertainment System. Here is a great article and video on Gamespot. I was all about R.O.B. the Robot, my Nintendo Zapper (not the lame ass orange one, I had an original grey one until my dumbass brother Rob broke the barrel off when he got pissed at the Duck Hunt Dog), the Power Pad, the NES Advantage, the Quickshot Joystick, Nintendo Power Magazine, Nintendo Cereal System, and everything else Nintendo. I really wanted a Power Glove, but fortunately for me I could never afford that suck ass peripheral. I love Mario of course, Gumshoe, Tecmo Super Bowl, Mike Tyson's Punchout, Duck Hunt, Contra, and even Gyromite & Bubble Bobble. But I think my absolute favorite NES game had to be Zelda, the gold cartridge, how many other games had a damn battery for god's sake. I loved NES, even if I had to give the system a blow just to play a game, that seems wrong somehow...

Money, Money, Money!

I just want a one, no, a few of these for show. Anyway, good week this week. Bought turbotax and did my taxes last night. We got way more back than I thought we would, which is always nice. Today I got my yearly bonus, or in the last few years I liked to call it my "Dinner at McDonald Bonus", and it was also more than I was anticipating. You gotta like that. Though, it's all going to bills, and by bills I mean credit cards. Such is life, when you like expensive things, have kids, have a house, etc.
This has been a much better week than last, in which I got a damn speeding ticket from a damn Warrenton cop! After making me sit on the side of highway 101 for like 25 minutes, and having another cop pull over lights flashing behind me, he actually said, "I had to give you a ticket." Um, no you didn't you prick. But that is what I get for doing 68 in a 55, tired and spacing out or not...

Quake 3 on 24 screens!

I wish I had job where I could screw around like this. This guy decided to try to play Quake 3 with 12 servers, with 2 monitors each. Impressive, even if it doesn't play perfect!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Clyde the Glide!

Clyde the Glide rocked. He is by far my all-time favorite sports star. So humble, yet so talented. They guy had a 46 inch standing vertical leap in college!!!! That is nearly 4 damn feet! Anyway he is featured in the upcoming game NBA Ballers: Phenom by Midway. It looks decent. Here is a great interview with Clyde on IGN, where he talks about Kobe, Spud Webb, and being bad ass in video games. Check it out.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Pope Has an iPod

A iPod Nano to be exact. Here is an article that talks about the pope's new iPod. First the Prada shoes then the Gucci sunglasses, now an iPod Nano. Damn smooth for a Pope. Help me out Colin, aren't priests and Popes supposed to forego the finer things in life. Well, this new Pope is here to say gluttony and high-fashion is not a deadly sin!