Friday, March 03, 2006

Pope Has an iPod

A iPod Nano to be exact. Here is an article that talks about the pope's new iPod. First the Prada shoes then the Gucci sunglasses, now an iPod Nano. Damn smooth for a Pope. Help me out Colin, aren't priests and Popes supposed to forego the finer things in life. Well, this new Pope is here to say gluttony and high-fashion is not a deadly sin!


WNW said...

Well that's it then. Colin has been pegged as the jesus-freak of the group.

WNW said...

the catch is are you going to bury or cremate me?

Also, draino will dissolve a body in a bathtub in 24 hours...

Maybe I shouldn't be giving you hits though

King Jeremy the Wicked said...

Nathan.Where are you getting the info about drano? You sure do get a lot of your knowledge from wives tales and rumors.

WNW said...

I want to say the Anarchist's Cookbook but it might just have been some weird guy. Either draino or bleach. I would think the draino would be more powerful...