Friday, March 10, 2006

Money, Money, Money!

I just want a one, no, a few of these for show. Anyway, good week this week. Bought turbotax and did my taxes last night. We got way more back than I thought we would, which is always nice. Today I got my yearly bonus, or in the last few years I liked to call it my "Dinner at McDonald Bonus", and it was also more than I was anticipating. You gotta like that. Though, it's all going to bills, and by bills I mean credit cards. Such is life, when you like expensive things, have kids, have a house, etc.
This has been a much better week than last, in which I got a damn speeding ticket from a damn Warrenton cop! After making me sit on the side of highway 101 for like 25 minutes, and having another cop pull over lights flashing behind me, he actually said, "I had to give you a ticket." Um, no you didn't you prick. But that is what I get for doing 68 in a 55, tired and spacing out or not...


WNW said...

so much to comment on!

Did you see that guy in the 10,000 is names Salmon the fish

I get a $200-250 bonus every 3 months

And, you drive very fast all the time. Think of it this way. Divide the cost of the ticket by every time you speed. It would be like .01 per infraction. No problem!

Rob said...

Dude, you got a speeding ticket, that fucking sucks! Why the hell were you going 68 in warrenton?? The last place I would ever speed would be around astoria,warrenton,gearhart,etc.. and 26. I never speed anymore though, after I got my last ticket for going 80 on I84 when it was 55, I decided I can't let it happen again, I just go about 5 over everywhere. Well at least you got more bonus money and refund money, that rules.