Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A Collection to Rival Even Nathan's

This is the largest collection of video games I have ever seen, looks like a damn super video store. Check out the photos with 1 lucky kid. Damn that's a lot of games.


Rob said...

Well I would start renting out to people if I had that collection, this is insane. Oh and I love this comment "The only problem I have with it is that he's got multiple copies of some games. He's got two copies of the Growlanser Generations collection, it looks like he's got three copies of Dragon Quest 8, and he's got two sets of .hack (4 games a set).

But he does have the Crystal Xbox.

Very nice collection. I am now jealous."

^^^^= Definition of Geek

WNW said...

that's a lot of games...but games isn't where it's at. You can emulate all the games. It's all about the hizzardwizzre bitches!