Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Manchowder Rocks

Well, I guess my brother rocks after all. He just called in to KUFO 101.1 in Portland and won a pair of tickets to the Nine Inch Nails show in Vancouver on Memorial Day Weekend! And since I have pretty much carried his ass my whole life, he did the right thing and invited me along. Way to go little Bro! Don't think this makes us even.


Rob said...

I can kick yo ass, bizitch! You're right though, I do rock!

Big D Sims said...

Uh, yeah ok...whatever you say.

WNW said...

You didn'rt have to do anything dirty to get them did you? Down here they make you smash expensive possesions to get any kind of ticket.

Rob said...

That was the coolest part.. I didn't have to do anything. Generally around here you just have to do trivia or something similar, or just be caller 10. Occasionally they will have some event where you have to do other stuff though.