Sunday, December 31, 2006

So much to post.

I have so much to post about lately, but have had no desire, lazy I guess.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hell Yeah!

Posted on [12_13_2006] by trentreznor

"Is it possible I am actually finished writing and recording a new nine inch nails record? Apparently so. We begin mixing in January!

Juggling fifteen all-new tracks around. Testing sequences. No leftovers from "with teeth". Highly conceptual. Quite noisy. Fucking cool."

Oh Dear God!!! Quite noisy, me likes the sound of that!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Is it moving?

No but your eyes are...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

$100 Xbox 360!!!

Core 360 for $100 on Turkey Day through Amazon.
Now you have no reason not to buy one. Even if you have to buy a hard drive and wireless controller deals don't get any better. They will only have 1000 to sell at 11AM Thanksgiving Day. I might buy a second one just because.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Gears of War

God damn this game is good! From start to finish this game is absolutely amazing. From the graphics to the gameplay, truly great. I am still playing through the single player campaign, but am looking forward to playing online soon. I can say that there has never been a cooler weapon than the chainsaw, and it just never gets old cutting someone in two even after the 20th time. And did I mention how damn good it looks sawin' thru someone in HD!!!

$100 of a 360

Nathan and Rob this is for you.
after rebate that is $199 for a core and 299 for the premium version.
Get one now! You have until December 3rd.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


So Rob and I went to the Deftones show last weekend at the Roseland Theater in Portland. Fantastic show! He once again won free tickets, this time to a sold out show. I don't know if it was because it was a smaller venue, or what, but it was probably the loudest show I've ever been to. For the first time ever at a concert I actually thought to myself, "I wish I had ear plugs!" I think I did real damage, but hey, it was worth it. The opening band was pretty good too. Deadsy had so much bass and it was so loud that you could feel every single beat in your chest, like getting chest compressions every second for 30 minutes straight! Rob and I even got free beer, when the waitress forgot to make us pay!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Ms. Dewey....

This is a new search site test project apparently by Microsoft, that uses their new Live Search technology. She is much better looking than Ask Jeeves, and more entertaining than Yahoo and Google. But she can get very annoying if you don't feed her with attention. She has a ton of different reactions to the questions you type. My favorites are "George Bush", and "u r hot", classic!
Some other ones to try:
There is no spoon
does size matter
Oh dear oh dear, an hour of insults, but it's true, I'm a sad lonely man.
Are you a Microsoft employee?
Where can I get a date?
Team Fortress 2
What is your favorite Xbox game?
Where can I get tested for STDs?
How do I tell my mother she's a grandmother?
Are you gaining weight?
Where do republicans come from?
Where do babies come from?
Nintendo Wii
Who is Nine Inch Nails?
homer simpson
Bill Clinton
cell phones
Blogger (they give you the addy for Spaces (MS version of Blogger)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hot Fuss!

I never understood how Fuzz is a slang term for police, but I do like the sound of Hot Fuzz! This should be damn good, if it is anything like Shaun of the Dead. I love that damn movie.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Fifth Freedom

How many bunnies have to die, before... Oh Splinter Cell, who knew killing innocent bunnies was so much fun? This is a cool viral site for the upcoming Splinter Cell game, not bad.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Wait for it.... Oh yeah, Halo 22 is nearly here. It will be just like what Rob, Corey, and I saw, only with better seats! Seriously though,it should be damn good, this years tour was by far the most impressive tour yet.

Madden Curse? Nonsense, Right?

Madden Curse
Well it looks like it happened again this season. The Madden Football Posterboy Shaun Alexander, last years NFL MVP, is out for at least a few weeks, possibly longer with a broken bone in his foot. I'm not a superstitous man, but if my multi-million dollar paycheck depended on me playing football, and 5 out of the last 6 years the cover boys have been injured or had horrible seasons, I think I might think twice. EA Sports must pay some serious cash!

2007 - Shaun Alexander: Broken bone in his foot, out at least 3 weeks.

2006 - Donovan McNabb: After week 9, Mcnabb suffered a hernia and was lost for the season. Mcnabb threw for more interceptions and his yards per attempt and completion percentage were down from 2004. The Eagles finished 6-10, in last place, and missed the playoffs for the first time since 1999.

2005 - Ray Lewis: Lewis for the most part avoided the curse. His numbers were slightly down from the year before, but he missed one game. He did not record an interception in 2004, the first time in his career.

2004 - Michael Vick: Vick missed the first 11 games with a broken leg. Vick's QB rating, comp pct, and yards per attempt were all down from 2002.

2003 - Marshall Faulk: Despite playing the same amount of games, Faulk rushed for 430 less yards and had 4 less TDs compared to 2001. Faulk's worst season since 1996. Rams scored only 16 more points then their 1996 team, one of their worst years ever.

2002 - Daunte Culpepper: Culpepper missed 4 games with injury, threw for 1300 less yards and 19 less TD's then in 2000. Minnesota's worst record since 1984.

2001 - Eddie George: George's curse came in 2001 where he failed to break 1000 yards and Tennessee missed the playoffs going 7-9.

Prior to 2001, John Madden Football did not have NFL players on its cover. It just had a picture of John Madden himself.

Fun with Photoshop!

Originally uploaded by bigdsims.
I really haven't played with Adobe Photoshop in years. Here are a couple photos I doctored with a watercolor look.

Monday, September 25, 2006

The Jetty

Columbia River Jetty Project
For some reason, today I decided to drive down to Fort Stevens State Park, and take some pictures out at the Columbia River Jetty. It's probably because every time I drop Peyton off at her daycare in Hammond, I see one semi-truck after another pulling flat beds with giant boulders to repair the South Jetty. It is a massive project. I according to the the plaque at the site, the mouth of the columbia exports more grain than any other river in the world with the exception of the Mississippi River. It said that two thirds of the giant rock wall is actually under water, and that it is about 65 feet high from the ocean floor to the top of the wall.
Fort Stevens State Park
I also decided to check out some other areas of the beach while I as there and take some scenery shots.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This is Gonna Kick All Sorts of Ass!

This comes from the man who brought us Sin City, Frank Miller, brings to life another graphic novel. "300" is all about bad ass Spartans. This is the first trailer I've seen, and it looks damn promising. The official site is just a production blog, hopefully they will put more up. Oh and that song during the last half of the trailer is NIN's "Just Like You Imagined", I knew there was a reason I liked it so much.

Warner Brothers has had it removed from ifilms, google video, youtube, etc. Here is a link to a quicktime version that is still up. I would have embedded it but google doesn.t allow java which is needed for quicktime.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Closer to Spock

All I can say is, "Awesome!" I'm pretty sure I will never look at Leonard Nemoy the same.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

High School Talent

Damn these kids are talented! If everyone played violin like that, it would be a much cooler instrument.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Is Something Wrong with the System?

3rd times the charm? This is the mayor of Astoria, Oregon and my home town, Willis Van Dusen. He has been in office for 16 years and is seeking a 5th term in November. I have known the family my whole life, and grew up with his nephew, Trent, as my best friend.
Monday he was arrested after he collided his Harley Davidson into the side of a truck and was charged with DUII (Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants). It is not a good political move to get a DUII when you're in office, but for some reason, Van Dusen seems to buck the trend. This is his 3rd, yes that's right, third DUII arrest since 1989, all while he was in office. Yet the voting citizens of Astoria keep voting him back into office regardless of the example he is setting as a citizen, president of a major local business (Pepsi Distributor), and a parent.
Van Dusen is a nice guy, but you know what, he needs help. I work in Astoria, but do not live there so I will not be able to cast my vote, but I think the only way he will get help is for him to be voted out of office. Maybe then he might realize how much damage he has done, and seek help for his alcoholism.
There is nothing wrong with having a drink, or many drinks, as long as you do it safely. Getting behind the wheel of a car when you have been drinking is ludicrous and irresponsible. My aunt was killed at the age of 19 by a drunk driver. One of my friends and coworkers was sentenced to 5 years in prison for killing a girl while driving drunk. I also had a former boss who had a problem with alcohol and was charged with DUII, and is no longer with Safeway for that reason. Fortunately for Van Dusen, no one has been hurt, when he chose to drive under the influence. When does it become necessary for the public to take action, or for that matter Pepsi Inc. for his indescretions? No one is perfect, myself included, and maybe I would or wouldn't feel different if it was his first arrest. But we have to ask ourselves when is enough, enough?

Monday, September 04, 2006

G'Day Mate, Rest In Peace

Well it was bound to happen. But still very sad that it did. Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter killed by a Sting Ray while filming a documentary called "Ocean's Deadliest".

"He came up on top of the stingray and the stingray's barb went up and into his chest and put a hole in his heart," John Stainton, Irwin's longtime director and producer, told reporters in Australia.

Through the heart...Oh Crikey!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Pumpkins Return?

"The Smashing Pumpkins are currently in the recording studio with legendary producer Roy Thomas Baker (Queen, The Cars, The Darkness), at work on their first new album since 1999."

Interesting. Just happened to see this on I would definately like to see that.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

9 Years and Counting

It is hard to believe that Rachelle and I have been married for now over 9 years. We had our anniversary on the 16th and went and took a weekend away, which was nice. We ate at a restaurant called The Chart House in Portland. Amazing view from the restaurant, great food, so-so waitress. No big tip for her! We stayed at the Hilton in downtown, very nice, but smaller than I had imagined. We even did some shopping on Saturday.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Beta Blogger

I just started using the new beta version of Blogger. It has some features I really like, and some not so much. I am also playing around with the layout and format. I think I like the minimalistic look at the moment.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

What's New?

Well, what have I been up to you ask? Quite a lot!

My aunt Sylvia, my uncle Gary, and my cousins Nicole, Logan, and Trinity, came down and stayed at Fort Steven the last week of July, so we went and visited them at the campground. I must say the campground has changed a lot since the last time I was there several years ago. Fort Stevens is having a record year for attendance, apparently they start booking spots for the following year each October, and this year they are completely sold out. Strange there would be that many people wanting to come to the coast. We made balloon animals, actually it was more like balloon shapes, and went to dinner. Had a great visit.

We bought Peyton her first bike. Got her a little 12 inch bike, "Little Dreamer" is pink of course, with tassels and training wheels. She also has the pink barbie helmet, knee and elbow pads with matching wristband that she picked out. Gotta say much harder to teach a child how to ride a bike than I thought it would be. I remembered that I have no patience. She can't seem to not try to pedal the opposite direction, which on kids' bikes is the breaks. Bad Daddy!

We bought a new piece of furniture. I have had my plasma TV for almost a year and had yet to decide what to do with it, mount it or buy an entertainment center. So for the last year it has sat on a black TV stand that Rachelle hated. I wanted to mount it on the wall, but decided with the amount of wires I would need to put into the wall it would just be too difficult. We looked for a long time for a piece to put under it, but couldn't find anything that we both liked. Rachelle found a piece that she really liked at an antique store, but I wasn't about to put my $2500 TV on a flimsy old looking table, and wanted something that could house the DVD player, xbox, satellite box, and Xboxes. But we finally found something that looked nice and was very functional, and matches very well with our cabinets. The down side is that now we need new end tables.

We took my Father in laws new Chevy Tahoe to Portland to get the TV stand. Let me tell you, I would be just fine driving one all the time. I wouldn't even mind paying the gas, nice, very nice. He put in the integrated iPod system and I of course had to try it out with my iPod for the trip. It was a damn nice setup, even has the buttons on the steering wheel that control the stereo and iPod. Well you can bet I had to have one. And now I do. I was gonna buy an adapter for my crappy stock stereo, but it was too old, and the adapter was gonna cost nearly as much as a brand new fully integrated stereo. So I went to the local stereo guy and he found the one I wanted, the Alpine CDA-9857, which had the integrated iPod system. So I went online and found it for like $150 less including shipping, than Sound Waves and bought it on eBay. I had a buddy put it in for me and now I am totally content.

My 4th generation iPod died, just slightly after having it a year, just happened to be past the warranty expiration as well. I was going to get it fixed but apple wanted $200 just to look at it, so I said screw that. I bought a new 60GB black 5th Gen video iPod. It has a lot of new features that the old one didn't that I like, color screen, videos, pictures, etc. The ability to put videos on it especially has turned out to be great for trips. I found a program to put convert DVD movies so that they can be put on the iPod. Peyton loves watching movies on it so, we bring a pair of head phones and I have like 12 Disney movies loaded on it and she's good for a long road trip. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that Apple did away with firewire connection (only usb 2.0 now) and it never seems to turn off when it is supposed to.

We broke down and finally bought a new digital camera. Rachelle has been wanting one for a long time so that she can take nice pictures for her scrap-booking hobby, but the one she wanted was not very cheap. But what do you know, Costco carries them now and they are like $200 less than anyone online. It is a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, it's an 8 megapixel digital SLR camera, and it is great because any standard camera lens will work with it. It really does take great shots. We love it, though it won't exactly fit in my pocket.

Mom and Arnie came down for a visit. We had a nice time just hanging out and Peyton had a blast with Grandma Brenda. We spent the day together and went out to Dooger's in Seaside for dinner, which was very good.

Peyton and I went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa Webb, and their two new yellow lab puppies. Peyton just absolutely loves my Grandpa! My grandma is still going though Chemotherapy, she is a ton better than the last time I saw her and kept pointing out how she had more hair now than both me and my grandpa. It was super nice seeing them and I know Peyton sure liked seeing her great-grandparents.

Weekend before last Rachelle, Peyton, and I went to the Clatsop County Fair. Peyton got to see all the animals, including a bunch of 7 day old baby pigs. She also got to go on her very first amusement park ride, the ferris wheel. Now I have to tell you I love going on rides, and always have. But for some reason ever since I was a kid the damn ferris wheel scares the crap out of me. But we braved it together and had a lot of fun. Rachelle and I went back that evening and attended the Livestock auction with my boss and some friends from work. We bought 2 sheep, Safeway buys an animal each year, with our allotted funds. We went out for dinner and drinks afterwards and had a great time. I had a few too many, and let me tell you staying out till 1 in the morning when you gotta work at 7 sucks! I think I am getting too old for that.

I watched a couple of great movies over the last few weeks. V for Vendetta was fantastic. From start to finish, that movie was action packed. I really like the whole idea behind it. Just watched Inside Man with Clive Owen, Denzel Washington, and Jody Foster. That's right Colin, I said Jody Foster! She looks pretty damn good in too, even if she plays for the other team. Clive is the shit in this movie! I really enjoyed the flick. I know Nathan you think my taste in movies sucks, even moreso than Colin's, but it was good. Watch it.

I just beat Condemend: Criminal Origins, and it was by far the scariest damn video game I have ever played. Ther e is nothing more scary than drugged out transiants and manaquins. You are an FBI profiler, chasing down a serial killer who is murdering serial killers, all while the Feds hunt you down for the murders. Damn it's twisted good! Fantastic ending too, actually there were two endings depending on the choice you make at the end. "Do I kill the homicidal serial killer or do I let him live?" Tough choice I know. If you have a 360 go get it now! Though you may want to leave the light on while you play. Also just bought Dead Rising, and it is definately worth the $60. I have never had so much fun killing stuff in any game, and doing it with the most random objects you could ever imagine. I think the rototiller is my favorite, zombie parts everywhere. This Game ROCKS! I absolutely love this game, the mall is amazing, and the photography twist is pretty cool. Who would have ever thought of taking pictures of zombie cleavage? That's original.

Rachelle made a pink tutu for Peyton last week, and it is huge. Peyton wears it constantly. Something about being a princess really appeals to her. She runs around the house with her crown, fake earrings and necklace, and her big pink tutu, all day long.

Nathan came down for a short visit. It was soo good to see my boy Nathan and his family. I miss that mutha! Peyton showed them how quiet she can be, not really so quiet! Nathan talked me out of my original modded xbox, like he really needed another one. I think I had like 80 games on the hard drive. He owes me big...real big! Seeing Nathan makes me realize how much I miss my boys; Dan, Colin, Jeremy Nathan. We need to get together as a group when Jeremy gets back to the states. Nathan and I both think we may not see big Dan again, that would really suck. Seriously!

After the visit with Nathan, Lauren, and Nadia, we took Peyton to the Astoria Regatta Parade. Peyton had a good time, but the parade was way too long, over an hour and a half, and there were way too many freaking advertisements, not enough floats. I mean come on, do I really want to see a Big River Excavation dump truck in the parade. No, not really. Peyton made a haul on candy, and she liked seeing my tax dollars hard at work in the form of a coast guard helicopter making several low passes of the crowd. I think each time they fly it costs several thousand dollars. Saving lives, I tell you. I did get to see the Budweiser clydesdales, they have the best bud commercial, but they sure weren't throwing out free beer, damnit!

After the Parade we went to my Brother Brian's son Alex's birthday. He turned 10 on the 10th. Drank some beers, just a few too many, had some mixed drinks, should have stuck to the beer, and had B-B-Q. Everyone kept commenting on how much we looked alike that day, I don't see it. It's still weird to think I had probably met him in the past and never picked up on it. I messed up my shoulder throwing Peyton around, it still hurts today. Peyton really likes their little dog Diva, its a Chiwawa of course, and very spoiled. We had a great time, as always

So there you have it, we're all caught up. Don't you feel better now, I know I do.

Is Anyone Gonna Buy One?

I was starting to wonder if anyone I know will buy a PS3 when it launches in November. I know I won't, I have always been a Xbox Fanboy, and well $600 is just too damn much. I will however probably buy the Wii. I was reading how an Official Playstation Magazine editor won't even be buying one. That's bad news for Sony!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

PS3 or Wii?

The choice appears simple. This is a apple style commercial for the upcoming Nintendo Wii. You decide.

Monday, July 31, 2006

So Many Weapons, So Little Time!

Dead Rising looks soo damn good! Nothing is better than killing zombies, wouldn't you agree? I was watching a developer interview on G4 the other day and the showed how anything you can find in the mall can be used as a weapon, including other zombies. Now that sounds fun! If this game absolutely blows, I am gonna be pissed.

Trent with Flock of Seagulls Hair

This is a clip of an interview with Trent Reznor and his former band "Exotic Birds". Damn that was a cool look!

Wish I Had a Car Bed

I know the movie got horrible review, but I though it was pretty damn funny. It has all the normal Adam Sandler cast minus Adam. Definately worth a rent.Click the picture to watch the trailer at the bottom of the page, hilarious.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fun in the Sun

Put up some photos from last week in the sprinklers. I always loved running though the sprinklers as a kid. Turns out, it is even more fun to put your kids in the sprinklers.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


The Jedi are Coming!

Well this is a peak at a next gen Star Wars game. Looks pretty good, especially if it is game play and not prerendered footage. These Jedi whoop some serious Storm Trooper Ass! These were obviously not the same Jedi in Episode III that got wiped out in mere minutes.

AMD to Buy AIT

I guess it makes sense for AMD to purchase ATI. With Intel doing more and more integrated graphics in the products, I guess it makes sense for AMD to try to do the same, what do you think?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lions, & Tigers, & Bears. Oh My!

There were no lions, but they did have tigers, and bears. Peyton got her first trip to the Oregon Zoo. She had a blast, but Rachelle and I were beat by the end of the day. The weather was perfect for the trip, although apparently everyone else thought so too. There were so many damn people there today that we almost didn't get a parking place. We spent the whole day seeing everything from apes to zebras. She said that the Elephants and the Leopard were her favorites. All in all a pretty great day.
Peyton's Site

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Peyton Update

Made a couple updates to Peyton's site, some pics from the Fourth of July. I also added some from today during our trip to the beach. Would you ever believe this is Oregon?


I never shot bunnies into space, but I did launch a few frogs with bottle rockets when I was younger. Good times! This is the new Rayman game, and while I was never much of a fan of the other games, these ads are awesome!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Best Performance Period.

Last night was by far the best NIN show I have ever been to, and I have seen like 6 or 7 shows.
Here is some video Rob took, not the best quality, but you get the idea.

Here is a pic from the show last night from the echoingthesound forums

Here is a site where you can buy professional shots from the concert by the guy who does all the artwork for the album and everyting else.
Rob Sheridan Photos

And here is the set list, much more from the Fragile than last tour.

somewhat damaged
know what you are
terrible lie
march of the pigs
something i can never have
gave up
help me i am in hell
la mer
into the void
the big come down
get down make love
the hand that feeds
head like a hole

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Just How Deep Do You Believe?

It's gonna Rock!
Saw Corey yesterday and he, his sister, his girlfriend (who is a english teacher at Astoria High and no its not Mrs. Hale), and Rob and I are gonna get together before the show. I am pretty stoked.

Here is a link to a KROQ breakfast with NIN thing from last week. They play a couple songs, 2 unreleased ones, and there is some interview stuff.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

This is the front page of taken from the road yesterday in Washington. See the rain? Did I mention the show is outdoors tonight? Damn the northwest!

Friday, May 26, 2006

Sequels Suck

Dante & Randal debate sequels

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Xbox 360 Updates

Apparently we are getting some very cool and much needed upgrades to the 360 dash. Music will play thru game loads and reboots, video files will have improved features such as fast forward speeds 2x-16x etc, and Live will get much better navigation. But the best update is the active downloads. Basically you will be able to que downloads, and they will download while you play or watch a movie, etc. It even knows to pause downloads while playing online. There are other good stuff like being able to set whether the console boots up to the disc or the dash when you turn it on, which is a little thing, but all the more user friendly. Damn this makes me want my damn Xbox back. UPS came today but no one was home to sign for it and that ass much wouldn't leave it on the porch, which is probably good, now that I think about it. 6 weeks without my 360 has not been cool.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

No More Used Games?

Damn, I hope this is not true. If it is it could mean the beginning of the end for reasonably price games, and it would even make selling them on eBay illegal. We shall see. I read that Sony does in fact hold a patent for a technology that allows them to tie a game to a specific console, so once you play it on a particular machine, you can't play it on any other machine. Can Sony really do anything else to piss off its customers, apparaently so!
PS3 games not really yours

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Superman Baby!

Ever wanted to see Superman take a bullet to the eye in slow motion, now you can!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Nuclear Power is for Losers!

For those of you who didn't know, Oregon's first, last, and only nuclear power plant was demolished on sunday, it has been inactive for like 15 years or so. I haven't seen the giant pile of rubble yet, but it will be wierd not to see the giant tower when driving I-5. I still remember running a cross country meet around the Trojan park and wondering if there were three-eyed fish in the lake we ran around.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sony Double Talk

This is funny to me. I like how Sony's Vice President of Game Studios said they would not have 2 versions, which turns out they do. Now he said that the two versions are identical in functionality. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't WiFi and HDMI two missing functions of the lesser model?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Master Chief Returns

Damn this looks good! Too bad it doesn't come out until next year.
The video is large 64mb but looks very nice!
Halo 3 HD Trailer

Monday, May 08, 2006

More Video Game Price Gouging

Well Sony announced today that they, like Microsoft with the Premium and Core 360's, will have two SKUs for the PS3. They will have a "Premium" version with a 60gb hard drive, HDMI out, memory stick slots, and wireless b/g and bluetooth. Their "Core" version will not have any of the above mentioned, but will have a 20gb hdd. The kicker, for all those who thought the $299 & $399 Xbox 360's were expensive, you better turn away, because it will cost $499 and $599 respectively for the two versions of PS3. I have never been a fan of Sony or PS3, and I think the price is damn high, but you'd be a dumbass to buy the cheap version. No one will care about memory sticks, but the wireless, HDMI, and the extra 40GB are well worth the extra $100.

On the positive side for Sony, at least they dropped that boomerang controller for a
PS2 controller with motion sensing and wireless. Not a lot of original ideas coming from the Sony camp is there? With the exception of HDMI support, I do believe everything else has been covered by MS or Nintendo.

Return of Peyton

I started a new blog with Peyton related material.

Not much there yet, but I did upload a few recent pictures from around easter, and a video clip from February of 2004. More to come.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Shut the Hell Up Coach or I'll Sue Ya!

Since when is it not acceptable for a coach to yell at his players? Oh well, I would expect as much from Clatskanie. Damn that speed trap of a town...

Oregon Students Can Sue Over Tough Coach Dispute

Mars Pathfinder Rocks!

I don't know if its that fact that since I was a kid I have always been a sucker for space stuff, or that fact that it is set perfectly to Nine Inch Nails song "Sunspots", but this video rocks. Someone put a lot of damn effort into making this animation, and timed it perfectly with the music, which is an absolute perfect fit for the visuals.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


What's your favorite flavor?

Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway


Call of Duty 3

Down with the RIAA

Because The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sucks ass!
Sign this petition


The Red Hot Chili Peppers are opening their World Tour in Portland on August 11th. I have listened to the new double album, Stadium Arcadium, and all 28 tracks are fantastic, reminds me of Blood Sugar Sex Magic. We gotta go see this one!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Wii, Are You Kidding Nintendo?

For the first time since the orginal xbox came out, I can say that I was excited about another console. The upcoming Nintendo Revolution, as it should still be called, is going a whole new direction, and I have to admit I kind of like it. That was until they announced the official name yesterday. What the hell was Nintendo thinking? I will probably still get one for Peyton, and myself, but damn that name sucks!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Assman!

My main man Jeremy B is a year closer to death today, I think he is the youngest of the group of friends. Oh isn't he an ugly baby!! Hope you are getting drunk off your Marine ass in Japan, throw back a few Saki for me! Let's vote which Jeremy kicks the most ass, Crazy Chip Head or GI Joe.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

360 Death!

Well you know all that talk when the xbox 360 launched about overheating and crashing, it faded pretty fast and nobody really thought much of it. Well a couple of days ago, it happened to me. At first my 360 froze, so I restarted and it worked fine, no biggy. Then the other night I was playing the new tomb raider and it froze. So I thought, "I will just restart the 360 and try again." Only this time I restarted and and played for like a minute and it froze again. Now I am starting to worry. So I try again and get the same result. So now I am thinking, "It has to be the game." So I try another game and 2 minutes into Ghost Recon the screen goes blank. So I my thought was maybe it was just too hot and need to cool off for a while. Well letting it cool down all night did not help. Got up before work, started the game and it again froze about two minutes in. Now it freezes even when not in games, I can't even go on the dashboard without freezing up. So I had to call MS and they had me try without the hard drive and wireless adapter, but no luck so they are sending a UPS box so that I can send it in for repair, lame! I just pray that I do not get the kind of service this guy had from Redmond.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

South Park: Censored!

According to Comedy Central, you can take a dump on Jesus, but don't mess with Muslims or Scientologists! As you know, I am not religious, but if your gonna let them bash one religion, everyone else should be fair game.

Dr. Seuss beyond Pluto

I was reading "There's No Place Like Space: All about Our Solar System" by Dr. Seuss with Peyton last night, and wondered now that there is a tenth planet, and since Dr Seuss is dead, who will rewrite this book? Will they leave it in its current state so that future children can be confused when they learn about the solar system, or will they just add another page with bad ass Dr. Suess rhymes about Xena? What rhymes with Xena anyway?

Fat Ass PS3

It would be damn funny if it were true, the PS3 too fat to fit in its clothes? I am seeing a big ass box, bigger than the original Xbox!

Say what you will about Jesus

What has fast food workers putting piss in your drink, and donkey shows? That's right a new Clerks 2 trailer!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Clerks 2 Baby!

I can't fuckin wait for this movie, it just better not be like jersey girl! Damn it, I'm not even supposed to be here today!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Programmer or Killer

God, I did really bad on this one, only got 5 out of 10 right! I need to study up on my Serial Killers!

Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Manchowder Rocks

Well, I guess my brother rocks after all. He just called in to KUFO 101.1 in Portland and won a pair of tickets to the Nine Inch Nails show in Vancouver on Memorial Day Weekend! And since I have pretty much carried his ass my whole life, he did the right thing and invited me along. Way to go little Bro! Don't think this makes us even.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Trent Reznor

This is just a damn cool picture from a show last night in Miami. Speaking of, Nine Inch Nails will be playing the Clark County Amphitheater, which is just outside of Vancouver, WA in May with the Bauhaus, and TV on the Radio. I think it would be cool if we got a few people together and did it. Don't be a bunch of lame asses either! I'm warning you!!! No excuses this time!

Where Is Pac-Man Now?

Whatever happened to Pac-Man? Well apparently he turned to drugs, boos, and porn. Way to go Pac-Man, way to go!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This Game Rocks!

Holy Crap this game is good. What is it with Ubisoft and Tom Clancy Games? Is it even possible for them to make a bad game? Believe the hype, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is probably the best example of what is instore for next gen games, and boy does it impress. I have only been playing for a short time today, but all I can say is wow! What's weird is that I was starting to believe I was all about games that got rid of the HUD (Heads Up Display), but after playing with this game, I have definitely changed my mind. If all games did the HUD like Ghost Recon AW, no one would ever complain again. If you have a 360, and they are starting to be easier to find (costco $479 for Premium 360, 2 wireless controllers, play cand charge kits, and a game for $479), go check this game out, you won't regret it.

Oh by the way, this game has Colin written all over it... Though if he gets it, we may never see him again. I see a Lan game in the near future.

A Collection to Rival Even Nathan's

This is the largest collection of video games I have ever seen, looks like a damn super video store. Check out the photos with 1 lucky kid. Damn that's a lot of games.

For Nathan

You know fighting games are not nearly as gratuitously violent anymore. I miss that! Here is a clip featuring every single Mortal Kombat 3 Fatality! Nice!

Friday, March 10, 2006

NES Turned 20 Last Month

It is hard to believe that Nintendo has been around for 20 freakin years. Damn, I loved my Nintendo Entertainment System. Here is a great article and video on Gamespot. I was all about R.O.B. the Robot, my Nintendo Zapper (not the lame ass orange one, I had an original grey one until my dumbass brother Rob broke the barrel off when he got pissed at the Duck Hunt Dog), the Power Pad, the NES Advantage, the Quickshot Joystick, Nintendo Power Magazine, Nintendo Cereal System, and everything else Nintendo. I really wanted a Power Glove, but fortunately for me I could never afford that suck ass peripheral. I love Mario of course, Gumshoe, Tecmo Super Bowl, Mike Tyson's Punchout, Duck Hunt, Contra, and even Gyromite & Bubble Bobble. But I think my absolute favorite NES game had to be Zelda, the gold cartridge, how many other games had a damn battery for god's sake. I loved NES, even if I had to give the system a blow just to play a game, that seems wrong somehow...

Money, Money, Money!

I just want a one, no, a few of these for show. Anyway, good week this week. Bought turbotax and did my taxes last night. We got way more back than I thought we would, which is always nice. Today I got my yearly bonus, or in the last few years I liked to call it my "Dinner at McDonald Bonus", and it was also more than I was anticipating. You gotta like that. Though, it's all going to bills, and by bills I mean credit cards. Such is life, when you like expensive things, have kids, have a house, etc.
This has been a much better week than last, in which I got a damn speeding ticket from a damn Warrenton cop! After making me sit on the side of highway 101 for like 25 minutes, and having another cop pull over lights flashing behind me, he actually said, "I had to give you a ticket." Um, no you didn't you prick. But that is what I get for doing 68 in a 55, tired and spacing out or not...

Quake 3 on 24 screens!

I wish I had job where I could screw around like this. This guy decided to try to play Quake 3 with 12 servers, with 2 monitors each. Impressive, even if it doesn't play perfect!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Clyde the Glide!

Clyde the Glide rocked. He is by far my all-time favorite sports star. So humble, yet so talented. They guy had a 46 inch standing vertical leap in college!!!! That is nearly 4 damn feet! Anyway he is featured in the upcoming game NBA Ballers: Phenom by Midway. It looks decent. Here is a great interview with Clyde on IGN, where he talks about Kobe, Spud Webb, and being bad ass in video games. Check it out.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Pope Has an iPod

A iPod Nano to be exact. Here is an article that talks about the pope's new iPod. First the Prada shoes then the Gucci sunglasses, now an iPod Nano. Damn smooth for a Pope. Help me out Colin, aren't priests and Popes supposed to forego the finer things in life. Well, this new Pope is here to say gluttony and high-fashion is not a deadly sin!