Monday, December 27, 2004

This is a pretty interesting "what if" documentary style video. What if google, and amazon joined forces, and put the print media out of business. Check it out.
Here is a merry christmas for ya. We were notified on christmas eve, no less, that a credit card check on my american express card was cashed for $3000.00. I did not write the check, and as you can imagine, was just a little concerned about this. After speaking with the police in Seaside, it turns out that myself, my wife, and 400-500 other people, and the list is still growing, are victims of mail/identity theft. They arrested the people last week, and are in the process of obtaining warrents to seize a couple of storage units as well as a vehicle used by these individuals. It seems that they have stolen specific mail, anything with financial info, checks, etc., from mailboxes throughout Clatsop and Columbia County. The officer said that they have recovered around 50 garbage sacks full of mail, and expect to find more in the storage units. They seized a laptop that the people were using to get personal info from a legitimate website. For $20 dollars they were able to get social security numbers, last addresses, employment info, etc., obtained from public records. I don't know about you, but that scares the hell out of me. I will be going to find a locking mailbox, since the waiting list for a post office box is 1 year. Don't let them get you, lock your shit up and protect your Credit. This (1-800-525-6285) is a number you can call to put a fraud alert on your credit report if you suspect fraud. Basically what it does is makes it so that if a credit application, any large purchases, or anything out of the ordinary happens on your credit they will call you to verify before putting it on your credit report. Equifax will link to the other 3 credit reporting agencies so that you are protected no matter where this happens. I hope those bastards burn!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Have I mentioned how god damned funn Red vs. Blue is? Check out the christmas episode. I love smoal!
It is about time Batman started kicking some ass, the last few movies were terrible, this looks much darker, and more to the original.
This was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. This is a trailer of the making of it, and it looks promising. We shall see.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

This is great. I especially like the iMug, nothing says I love you like 12,000 volts of electric death, that's priceless. But the iTug scares me, because undoubtably someone will see this and try to get this to market.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

This is for all the breast men out there...Pretty funny!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Added a link to my new Peyton Jean photo page, so my mom can stop giving me the, "I never have any new pictures" guilt trip. I promise to update it more often.
I would be hard pressed not to buy this. Apple Ipod Phone

Monday, December 13, 2004

Fucking EA Games. EA is just getting too big when they can make a deal like this. This is scary video game power they have now. What really sucks is the fact that I enjoyed ESPN football much more than madden for the better gameplay and graphics. And I gotta say the $19.99 price tag was a hell of a lot better than madden's $49.99.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

If I was into motorcycles and atvs this would be damn cool, I'm thinking this has Nathan written all over it. Possibly Dan, but he doesn't really fit. gives unlimited free 1 Terabyte email accounts that include 500 Megabyte attachments

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Why do I not sleep?
Why do I not get up?
Why do I procrastinate?
Why do I go to work?
Why do I play video games?
Why do I pay bills?
Why do I cause myself undue stress?

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

So last night I was got to work at around 6:30pm. I was working all night for our biannual inventory, where we have to count everything we got. It is a huge job and it takes a good 10 - 12 hours with 4 or 5 people, and it sucks. Anyway, I see Heidi, who is my inventory clerk, and she asks me if I heard what happened to Don (the store manager at Seaside, and my old boss) the day before. I said, no and she tells me that the Monday he was home on his day off working in his shop as he often does, and that somehow he cut off his fingers. He apparently cut off his index, middle and ring finger of his left hand on a saw. Now keep in mind that he is home alone, and that he lives about 15 or so minutes out of seaside, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. So somehow he is able to bandage himself up, collect his fingers and put them on ice, and drive himself to the hospital in Seaside. He gets to the hospital and they call his wife at work and tell her that her husband is there and that there has been an accident, why do they always make everything so horrible when they call? So she rushes down to the hospital where they tell them that he needs to go to Emanuel Hospital in Portland, where the on call surgeon is one of the best hand surgeons on the west coast. So they bandage him up and his wife drives him in her car up to portland. By this time it is evening, and it is getting cold. They are traveling on highway 26 going about 60 mph and they hit a patch of black ice. The car spins then flips, and they end up in a ditch on the side of the highway, completely totalling the car. A good sumaritan sees the accident and stops to help them out of the wreckage. They were bruised and battered from the accident but not badly hurt. When the person sees his hand, says we gotta get you to a hospital, and drives them up to the hospital in portland. Not only does the person drive them all the way to portland, they stay with his wife until after the surgery is done at like 2 or 3 in the morning, and then take her down to find a rental car. This just blows me away that a complete stranger would go out of their way to help someone like that. It really restores my faith in people. I guess not all peple are human waste anyway.

So he is home now, but will have to go back up on Friday to meet with the surgeon, and will have another surgery in 2 weeks. They were not able to save his index finger or his ring finger, but they were able to reattatch his middle finger, (cause how could you go thru life without the bird?) but had to put it in the ring fingers place.

So I am in total shock. One because I really respect this guy and think a lot of him, and two I have never known anywone to cut off an appendage before. I feel so bad for them, I called his wife and told her if they need anything day or night to call me, but I just wish there was something more I could do for him, he has done so much for me in the last couple of years, I can't even tell you. That and he is one of the nicest people I think I have ever known. Life is very unfair at times.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Ok so I worked all day thanksgiving, but I got home at 6:30 and we had a nice dinner. Ate myself silly, wouldn't be thanksgiving without gorging myself now would it? I have been working a ton of hours lately, to get ready for out twice yearly inventory at work, so that blows. Chased after a shoplifter, he got away, but I followed him on foot while I talked to the cops on my cell phone, thinking to myself that they would intercept him since the cop shop is 2 blocks away and he was headed towards them on foot. Fortunately, I recognized him from high school, I think he was a year ahead of me Jeremy Carol, and he had previously been busted for shoplifting from us before, which makes it a much more sever crime. Criminal trespassing and burglary now. Stupid bastard!

I've watched a couple movies, Elf was hilarious, Chronicles of Riddick kicks ass, and Stepford wives was just ok. I've been playing Halo 2, which have I mention kicks ass, Ghost Recon 2, which is a vast improvement over the first, even though I really enjoyed it, and I've been playing Dead or Alive Ultimate, which is a lot of fun, but repetitive, but god it is gorgeous. Saw the latest Red vs. Blue thanksgiving special (Halo animation series). And they talked about something called a Turduken which I thought was just something made up. But it turns out it is real. It is a Cajun thing, damn Cajun food is weird, and why the hell would I want to put a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey? Oh and my Pioneer MP3 deck stopped working in my truck last week. I can't tell you how much it sucks to drive in absolute silence (I drive 30 minutes to and from work every day). It makes me want to kill people even more so than I already do. A friend of mine is looking at it and gonna try to fix it, and he put my stock CD player in so that I don't become a homicidal manic.

Oh gotta mention this, cause it makes me laugh just thinking about it.
My main man Dan went to Colorado, on the way home he called me on his cell. He was out in the middle of fucking nowhere Iowa, and got pulled over for speeding, (82 in a 65 mph zone). The cop gives him the regular do you know how fast you were going routine, and asks why, tells Dan he is gonna give him a ticket. Then the cop says, "Can you step out of the car sir?" Dan thinking he heard wrong says, "Excuse me?" Cop says, "Step out of the car sir." So Dan gets out of the car and by this time is starting to freak out a little inside. The cop then tells him to follow him to the police car and to get into the passenger seat. Now Dan is really freaking out, thinking this is some horrible backwoods nightmare cop story you see on TV. He reluctantly gets in to the police car and the cop gets in the driver's seat. So now all Dan can think is, "Oh my god, he's gonna make me suck his cock!" So he says, "Am I in trouble?" The cop tells him he can hear better in the car, and that it is safer than standing on the highway, and no big deal after all. But can you even imagine. I think he was gonna tell Dan to suck it, until he saw Dan in the light....Ha ha.. Sorry Dan, but that is classic! Watch for those speed traps.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

I watched Shrek 2 the other night, and I have to say I enjoyed it more than the first. This is pretty rare, in fact, I can't remember any other sequel having the same effect. I can't believe how good computer animated movies are getting. And with so many great CGI movies that came out in the last few years (Finding Nemo, Toy Story 1 & 2, Shrek 1 & 2, Monsters Inc, A Bugs Life, Ice Age), it is really getting me excited to see the new crop (The Incredibles, Robots, Cars, Shark Tale, The Polar Express, & Madagascar. I am hoping we will do away with stupid actors soon.

Monday, November 15, 2004

God AOL Blows! Saw this article about Winamp being shut down by AOL. It in my opinion is the only decent music player out there. AOL makes everything bad!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Halo 2, I love you.
Well it has finally arrived, and I couldn't be more pleased. I played for a good several hours of single player campaign, and it is damn good. I bought the collectors' edition which comes in a really cool metal dvd box, and comes with a very well done dvd disc. You get to play as the covenant, which is pretty damn cool. Now I need to get a couple other halo 2 owners to join me in a lan party.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

A couple of memorable quotes taken by the BBC News for a survey of US citizens living in Europe who voted in the election. It really amazes me how some people can be so blind folded. It is very scary. These first three people actually made some sense though. Really. But the rest were just baffling. The questions asked were:

What convinced you to re-elect Bush? What are your hopes for his second term?

"I voted for Bush, so that he can clean up all his mess during his second term. No-one else should be made responsible for all his folly and self-disillusioned war on terror."
-Jaime Stuart

Good point, but I seriously doubt he will fix anything.

"I am saddened that I live in a country of intolerance toward other cultures and beliefs. I am saddened that our country believes it can arrogantly push its ideals of democracy on everybody else. With the erosion of our own civil rights, how can we hope to bring any to those in other countries? As for those who say this president supports Christian values, whatever happened to 'love thy neighbor'? Our country is more concerned with interfering with other people's privacy than actually helping anyone. I hope all you Bush-supporters lose your jobs in the next four years of economic crisis."
-Sara Smith, Atlanta, GA

Oh They Will...

"I wish Bush would resign. As a young American I registered to vote simply to vote against him. Something truly scares me about a man that cannot properly pronounce nuclear having control of the world's largest nuclear armament."
-John Doe, Charlotte, USA

Don't worry, the next President probably won't be able to say Nuclear either. If you listen to many conservative pundits they say it will be THE GOVERNATOR Schwartzenegger. He will have to get the constitution amended, but then he can blow up what's left that Bush didn't. I hope its like his movie The Running Man in the future.

"I voted for Bush to usher in the complete and utter destruction of the United States. Sometimes, you just have to tear it all down and start over again. No one will destroy America faster than Bush. Go Bush!"
-Tim, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Well, that is one way to use your vote effectively.

"Bush is against abortion and that is all that matters to me. That is the only issue I consider and there are a lot of Americans who feel the same way. Some people say it is ignorant to disregard the other issues, and maybe it is, but that is how I feel."
-Bertha, Upstate NY

That is a very Scary Statement!

"I voted for Bush because I am Pro-Life and against gay marriage. Bush stands more for these issues than does the Democratic Party."
-David Schultz, Fenton, Iowa, USA

Good thing that is the only important issue out there cause we will all be unemployed soon enough.

"He is a good man with clarity in his beliefs, and he sets a good example for my children. God Bless President Bush."
-Carrie, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

OK, I don't care who you voted for, that's just scary!

"It does not matter how intelligent you are if you're wise in your own eyes and it doesn't matter how well you are able to speak if your words are clanging cymbals but it does matter who you worship and serve. You are unable to lead and serve others if you do not serve God first."
-Penny, USA

"GOD", bible thumpers really frighten me.

"Gay marriage and abortion are a threat to our culture and security. I voted to preserve the morale values of this country."
-Howard, Chicago, USA

This is true, I was almost killed by a gay abortion doctor... Thank goodness for Bush.

"I disagree with many of his policies and would not have voted for him except for the fact that I am sick and tired of these people telling me that I am not smart enough to figure out for myself what is right and what is wrong. The Republicans should thank Moore and give him a prominent table at the inauguration!"
-Michael C, NY, USA

You showed them how smart you are, way to go Michael! You voted for someone simply because someone who you don't know, doesn't agree with the President's foreign policy. Way to make an informed decision.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Just saw this trailer and I am pretty stoked, hopefully it will not let all of us fans down.

Episode 3 Trailer

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I can't even tell you how disappointed in this country I am, this qoute pretty much sums it up....
"One step closer to the end of the world. The one-two combo of corporate greed and organized religion apparently proved to be too much for reason, sanity and compassion.

It's a sad and shameful dat to be an american."

-trent reznor

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Have you ordered your Halo 2?

Saw this article about Halo 2 presales, already over 1.5 million (my special edition copy included, which is the biggest presale in video game history. Let's all hope this game doesn't dissappoint.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

So I am on vacation this week, I haven't taken an actual vacation from all work in like a year. We got our yard finished, Rachelle planted the last of the grass seed, now it is just wait and see. It turned out pretty nice, we did a bunch of landscaping in the front with plants and crap. We took Peyton to the beach, which I haven't been to in like years, which is sad since I live 2 minutes away. She had a blast until a wave came in and we had to run as to not get wet.

I watched several movies this weekend, Four Rooms, Swingers, Monsters Inc. I stayed home with Peyton Monday and Tuesday, and we watched the Indiana Jones trilogy and the star wars trilogy, I forgot how much I liked those movies. What is so cool, is that Peyton really seemed to enjoy the Star Wars movies. I thought she might be afraid of some of the monsters, but not at all. When she saw the Ice monster in Empire she said, "oooh, pretty cool." How neat is that? What makes it even that much more cool, is that she really doesn't like to watch movies, or TV for that matter, but Star Wars is good for all. We watched the Day After Tomorrow last night, makes me want to use tons of aerosol and Styrofoam. Cool effects, soft story.

We played some Xbox the last two days: Tony Hawk Underground 2, Mortal Kombat Deception, ESPN NBA 2K5, Full Spectrum Warrior, Fable, and Sudeki. I have to say I really like Xbox live, not only for the occasional multiplayer, where I get my ass kicked, but for the downloadable content. I downloaded a new level for Full Spectrum warrior, it was good, but damn hard to beat. I finally finished Sudeki, and while I liked the game, the ending totally sucked. You beat the end guy and it rolls the credits, that's it! No story, no FMV, nothing! Oh and the voice acting in that game is horrid.

Today, I am gonna do the recycling, it has taken over 1 side of my garage. I have about 8 garbage bags of cans and bottles in that mess which is good, because it means $$$ for my Halo 2 fund, 26 days to go!

Oh and damn Honda for making their cars secure. Rachelle's battery was dying on the accord, so I went to Schwab to get it replaced, no problem. So I get back in the car to leave and there is a weird message on the stereo, and the disc has been spit out. So I try to get the disc to go back in and press a bunch of buttons until the message changes and now it does nothing. Turns out that if the battery is disconnected the stereo goes into security mode and can only be used again after the security code is reentered. This is bad, because I forgot about the damn code. I did finally find it, but apparently I entered in the wrong code too many times when I was pushing buttons, and now it is locked out. The only way to fix it is to let it be on for over an hour then you can try the code again. Are you kidding me? An hour, not only is this a long time to sit in the car, but it is a damn long time to be in the car with no music. Honda will pay for this. I kid you not.
I love my xbox...But I would love it even more, if I had this one!

Monday, October 11, 2004

I am constantly amazed at how fast kids grow. Peyton is about 22 months old now, and it still seems like it was yesterday she fit in my hand. Oh and in case you can't tell she likes stuffed animals.
So I have been pretty pleased with my gmail acount. Found a tool that sits in your system tray to alert you when you get email, and another tool that lets you use your 1gb google acct as a storage drive on your computer. If you would like an acount let me know, I have 5 invites, first come first serve.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Wow, I really hope this movie doesn't suck! I was a huge He-Man fan. I think I had just about every action figure in the series: He-Man, Battlecat, Skeletor, Beastman, Teela, etc. Hopefully this movie will be better than the last one with Dolph Lungren, Courtney Cox, and Jack Palance. John Woo could make it interesting though. We will have to wait and see.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Mt. St. Helens Erupts! That is some crazy messed up shit. I can still remember it blowing the first time and all the ash everywhere when I was a kid living in Portland. I wonder if this is a prequel to bigger eruptions to come?
Switching browsers and Other Such Tech Stuff

So I have completely switched my internet browser from Microsoft Internet Explorer to Mozilla Firefox. And I love it. Firefox is almost perfect and far safer than IE. It took me a little while to break the IE habbit, because it was comfortable and there really wasn't anything else. But I am done with IE now and forever. The only thing that I don't like about Firefox is that when I select a larger font size (cause my eyes suck and my monitor is too small) it always reverts back to the default whenever I restart the program. But really haven't found anything else that I don't like, and I am sure that the font thing will be fixed with later releases. Go try it!

Also recently got a new mouse. It is cobalt blue like Nathan's Dog, is wireless which is the only way to go, and it has the crazy wheel that scrolls from side to side as well as up and down. It rocks.
Wireless Intellimouse Explorer

And finally, I got a new email address. I already had too many emails to begin with, but since I got an invitation to Google's new email, Gmail, and is by invitation only right now, I figured I would give it a shot. And so far I am pretty pleased with it, though I am still a little leary to use it on any websites in fear of spam. It has 1 gb of storage space which is a ton of space, and a great search tool, but I hate spam with all my being and have had to abandon more than one account due to the overwhelming volume of spam I was receiving.
I have been watching a lot of movies, I got a membership with Netflix so I can rent as many as I want a month 3 out at a time. I was sorely disappointed in the Ladykillers with Tom Hanks, but very much enjoyed Man on Fire with Denzel Washington, if you haven't seen it, and like a good action movie, definitely go get it. There is a scene where he duct tapes a guys hands to the steering wheel of a car with his fingers extended, and cuts his fingers off one by one to get information out of him, damn that was cool. I forgot how much I like the remake of the Punisher, and the last Star Trek, Nemesis. My collection just keeps growning I 2 Fast 2 Furious Balde, added the animatrix, contact, armageddon, and Kill Bill 2 which I like a great deal more than the first.

I got rid of my cable and signed up with Dish Network. I get more channels and I get a Dual Digital Video Recorder that works with both TVs and can record up to 100 hours each, which I think is really cool, for the same amount of money. With the DVR and my dvd burner, I will have no need for a VCR ever again.

If I haven't said it before, Nip Tuck, is the best damn show on TV. It is the only show I make a point to watch every week. New episodes are on Tuesday at 10 on FX, but keep in mind this is not a show for the kids. There is a lot of nudity, sex, drugs, incest, graphic surgeries, violence, foul language, and other entertaining adult themes. I haven't been so glued to a show since the first year of Fox's 24 which went downhill after first season. Watch this show!

Finally, I purchased the long awaited, highly anticipated XBOX game Fable made by the same guy who made the very good PC game Black or White, Peter Molyneux. And while not perfect, it is a damn engrossing game. You can completely customize your character. You can get tattoos, have different hairstyles, your face and body will change based on the decisions you make in the game, like growing horns if you are always bad, or having all your hair turn white and you will have a glow and a halo emanate from you if you are good. You will get fat if you eat pies and drink beer all the time, or you can get big and buff if you use a great deal of melee combat rather than magic or ranged combat. People in the towns will react different towards you based on your renown. They cheer you if you are good, or run and cower from you if you are bad. And the music is fantastic, and really fits the feel and mood of the game. Danny Elfman, who has done everything from the Simpsons, to the Nightmare before Christmas, did the score. The graphics are very good, and the over all look is very unmistakably Fable. All and all a very good game, I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys RPGs.
Anyway that's about all I got for now.
Well I have about 2 weeks to get my grass planted or else I won’t be able to do it until spring. So Rachelle and I both took Tuesday off and worked all day in the yard. We worked all day, I shoveled 4 truck loads of top soil, 4 truck loads of bark dust, and we planted about 30-40 plants and shrubs. And as much as I hated doing it, I have to admit it already looks 100 times better. But try telling that to my aching back, arms, and legs. I will probably only need about 1 more full day of work for it to be done, it is just a matter of when. Rachelle even tried out the sprinkler system, but the heads need to be adjusted cause my drive way was all wet and there was a giant puddle over one of the sprinklers up against the foundation of the house which is not really a good thing. The installer will come take a look in the morning. Tomorrow, we were going to have a neighborhood BBQ which we did once before and had a lot of fun, but all but one of the couples had to cancel. Oh well more pie for me.
So like I haven't written in like weeks, don't ask why, cause I have thought about writing something nearly every night, I just didn't feel like it. So let's see. So, I got shafted out of the Store Manager job, the company brought in some guy from Tillamook, even though everyone said the store was looking much better and was doing better financially since I got there. But oh well, that is the way shit goes.

Rachelle and I talked about it and decided it would be best for our marriage if we did not work together anymore, and we need more money than I was making as a Real Estate Appraiser Assistant/Part Time Safeway Assistant Manager, so we decided I would talk to my Safeway district manager about going back to full time Assistant Manager. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the work, because I did, but it just wasn’t working out, and I always felt inadequate not knowing what I was doing as an appraiser, whereas at Safeway I pretty much was at the top of the heap and am kind of the go to guy for everything. So I told my DM I would like to come back and he was ecstatic, and said he would take me back in a heartbeat. I told him that I would like to go to SMRA (don’t remember the acronym) which is a week long testing/interview/problem solving thing at our corporate headquarters in California that you have to go to before you can become a store manager. But I told him that I didn’t want to move, and that Rachelle had a really good job, and that I liked it here on the coast, and that unless Seaside or Astoria stores opened I wouldn’t take a promotion. He said, “No Problem” that he needed good management on the coast and therefore wouldn’t move me. He told me when 1 of the stores opened the next time I would most likely get it.

So then he asked where I wanted to work, Astoria or Seaside, and damn was I torn. Seaside is like 7 minutes from my house, I can go home for lunch, I can sleep later and get home sooner due to less driving, and the Manager in Seaside is just a great guy who really appreciates having me. Astoria on the other hand, is a brand new store, great people who I have known for many years having started my career at the old Safeway store, plus I enjoyed the change. I was leaning toward Astoria, except for the one unknown, the new manager, and I had heard some things that didn’t make me feel real comfortable. But I ultimately said I would stay in Astoria, because I knew that is where my DM really wanted me to go, and because I think I needed a change.

Within 3 days with the new boss, I was seriously regretting my decision, and was calling my old store manager in Seaside asking what I should do to get the Hell out of Astoria. Not only was the new guy a bit abrasive and overly direct, I was working a lot more hours and later shifts than I would at Seaside, which meant no time with my baby girl and Rachelle. But after talking with my old store manager and getting to know the new guy I decided that it was really too late to change my mind given all the things that my district manager has done for me in the last 2 years and decided to tough it out. It has been 2 weeks now and while my home life is seriously suffering, I haven’t been home for dinner once in the past 2 weeks; I think it will get better. We shall see.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

A satirical presidential resume produced by some comically political magazine in the midwest. What's so alarming about it,is that it's all factually based. Do bear it in mind when casting your vote later this year,won't you.

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20520
United States


Law Enforcement:
I was arrested in Kennebunkport, Maine, in 1976 for driving under the
influence of alcohol. I pled guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver's
license suspended for 30 days. My Texas driving record has been
"lost" and is not available.

I joined the Texas Air National Guard and went AWOL. I refused to
take a drug test or answer any questions about my drug use. By
joining the Texas Air National Guard, I was able to avoid combat duty
in Vietnam.

I graduated from Yale University with a low C average. I was a cheerleader.


I ran for U.S. Congress and lost. I began my career in the oil
business in Midland, Texas, in 1975. I bought an oil company, but
couldn't find any oil in Texas. The company went bankrupt shortly
after I sold all my stock. I bought the Texas Rangers baseball team
in a sweetheart deal that took land using taxpayer money. With the
help of my father and our friends in the oil industry (including
Enron CEO Ken Lay), I was elected governor of Texas.


- I changed Texas pollution laws to favor power and oil companies,
making Texas the most polluted state in the Union. During my tenure,
Houston replaced Los Angeles as the most smog-ridden city in America.
- I cut taxes and bankrupted the Texas treasury to the tune of
billions in borrowed money.
- I set the record for the most executions by any governor in American history.
- With the help of my brother, the governor of Florida, and my
father's appointments to the Supreme Court, I became President after
losing by over 500,000 votes.


- I am the first President in U.S. history to enter office with a
criminal record.
- I invaded and occupied two countries at a continuing cost of over
one billion dollars per week.
- I spent the U.S. surplus and effectively bankrupted the U.S. Treasury.
- I shattered the record for the largest annual deficit in U.S. history.
- I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any
12-month period.
- I set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12-month period.
- I set the all-time record for the biggest drop in the history of
the U.S. stock market. In my first year in office, over 2 million
Americans lost their jobs and that trend continues every month.
- I'm proud that the members of my cabinet are the richest of any
administration in U.S. history. My "poorest millionaire," Condoleeza
Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.
- I set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips by a U.S. President.
- I am the all-time U.S. and world record-holder for receiving the
most corporate campaign donations.
- My largest lifetime campaign contributor, and one of my best
friends, Kenneth Lay, presided over the largest corporate bankruptcy
fraud in U.S. History, Enron.
- My political party used Enron private jets and corporate attorneys
to assure my success with the U.S. Supreme Court during my election
- I have protected my friends at Enron and Halliburton against
investigation or prosecution. More time and money was spent
investigating the Monica Lewinsky affair than has been spent
investigating one of the biggest corporate rip-offs in history. I
presided over the biggest energy crisis in U.S. history and refused
to intervene when corruption involving the oil industry was revealed.
- I presided over the highest gasoline prices in U.S. history.
- I changed the U.S. policy to allow convicted criminals to be
awarded government contracts.
- I appointed more convicted criminals to administration than any
President in U.S. history.
- I created the Ministry of Homeland Security, the largest
bureaucracy in the history of the United States government.
- I've broken more international treaties than any President in U.S. history.
- I am the first President in U.S. history to have the United Nations
remove the U.S. from the Human Rights Commission.
- I withdrew the U.S. from the World Court of Law.
- I refused to allow inspector's access to U.S. "prisoners of war"
detainees and thereby have refused to abide by the Geneva Convention.
- I am the first President in history to refuse United Nations
election inspectors (during the 2002 U.S. election).
- I set the record for fewest numbers of press conferences of any
President since the advent of television.
- I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one-year
period. After taking off the entire month of August, I presided over
the worst security failure in U.S. history.
- I garnered the most sympathy ever for the U.S. after the World
Trade Center attacks and less than a year later made the U.S. the
most hated country in the world, the largest failure of diplomacy in
world history.
- I have set the all-time record for most people worldwide to
simultaneously protest me in public venues (15 million people),
shattering the record for protests against any person in the history
of mankind.
- I am the first President in U.S. history to order an unprovoked,
pre-emptive attack and the military occupation of a sovereign nation.
I did so against the will of the United Nations, the majority of U.S.
citizens, and the world community.
- I have cut health care benefits for war veterans and support a cut
in duty benefits for active duty troops and their families in wartime.
- In my State of the Union Address, I lied about our reasons for
attacking Iraq and then blamed the lies on our British friends.
- I am the first President in history to have a majority of Europeans
(71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and
- I am supporting development of a nuclear "Tactical Bunker Buster," a WMD.
- I have so far failed to fulfill my pledge to bring Osama Bin Laden
to justice.


- All records of my tenure as governor of Texas are now in my
father's library, sealed and unavailable for public view.
- All records of SEC investigations into my insider trading and my
bankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and unavailable for public
- All records or minutes from meetings that I, or my Vice-President,
attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and
unavailable for public review.
This article explains alot. Rachelle has sworn up and down that she has felt dumber since Peyton was born. I wonder if you lose more IQ with each child born?

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Well, I took a little hiatus from my blog. I am still working in Astoria, and although a lot of people think that I will get promoted to store manager, I don't think that I will. Not really sure why I feel that way, just a shitty gut feeling. Oh well, it would have been perfect, but this is reality and nothing is ever perfect no matter how much you want it to be. The bad thing is that I started out telling myself that I wouldn't get my hopes up, but when all you hear is how great you are and how you are the perfect person for the job, it goes to your head. And now I really want it. What I needed was someone to tell me on a daily basis what a piece of shit I am. Oh well, I've made pretty good money doing this. I have been averaging about 10 to 20 hours of overtime each week for the past 4 weeks. And while I have had absolutely no time to do anything else but work, the money has been nice. I think I have actually lost a little weight due to not having time to take lunches or eating during my 12 hour work days. Starting this week I will be making store manager pay which is almost twice what I make an hour currently, and I will remain hourly so it will be very expensive overtime. I figure I will be doing this for another couple weeks. But enough work. I am totally stoked to see my friend Jeremy before he leaves for Japan this month. I think we are gonna plan a get-together with my other friends for a weekend or something, which is something we haven't done for a very long time. I really wish Dannyboy could make it, but that's the shit when you live thousands of miles away. I'm almost finished with the landscaping on my back retaining wall, which means I can finally put in grass. My wife wants to plant seed, but I think I am gonna talk her into buying sod. It is more expensive, but I think I will be happier in the long run. I recently started playing in a poker group. Last week was my first time, and we play every other Wednesday night at a neighbor's house. He built a game room behind his garage with a poker table, pool table, fridge, TV, and a stereo. It was a lot of fun even though I suck at Texas Hold 'Em. I Drank a few beers, played and lost poker, then we played pool until the next game. That's pretty much all I've done in the last couple weeks. Hopefully I will find out soon about the promotion, don't know how much longer I can go on, not knowing.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Damn the Garbage Man!
So last week I forgot to put the trash can out at the street which is no big deal cause the can is enormous, and if need be can go two weeks without pick up. So last night I took all the trash out to the can, which is now extremely full, and pushed it out of the garage and up to the street. So this morning I hear the garbage man drive up the street to, what I thought was, pick up the trash. So later I go outside to bring it into the garage, and it is still full. So I walk across the street to check their can and its empty, so I think to myself, "maybe he was full and had to skip my side of the street to go empty the truck and come back." So I then went and checked the neighbor next to me and his is empty too. So now I am dumb-founded, "why the hell didn't he get mine." So I call the garbage company and the lady asks, "did you have it at the street?" I tell her "yeah since last night." So she tells me to hold on while she radios the garbage truck, that bastard says, "it wasn't there when he came this morning." Now I can understand just making a mistake and saying something like, "wow, I must have missed it." But don't sit there and lie to me because you are incompetent. So now I have to wait until tomorrow to get it picked up. If only he knew how toxic those dirty diapers are. Damn you garbage man, damn you!
For all the early adopters of the 64-bit processors such as my self, here is a link to get a free copy of Windows XP Pro 64-bit edition to use on your Athlon 64.
Is it just me or is blogger having issues lately.
A couple of years ago there was a pretty decent game called blood rayne about a half vampire/half human chick that killed bad guys kinda like a really hot female Blade. Anyway a new game is coming out later this year. Now apparently she will be on playboy as well. Kinda weird considering she isn't a real person. Lara Croft next I suppose. Saw this on a gaming website:

"Rayne Makes Her Playboy Debut
Rayne is 100% topless and smokin' hot in the October issue of Playboy magazine. This is a first in videogame history and trust us when we say that Rayne does not disappoint. The magazine hits newsstands in early September so here's a great excuse to get a copy!"

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Scary as Hell! I have been playing Doom 3 for about a week now, and I have to say it is the most frightening game I have ever played. To the point where I almost wet myself. ID Software did a tremendous job creating atmosphere, from the hum of machinery around you to the sound of a fan whirring above your head to the constant moaning, you really find yourself immersed especially if you play as I do, with the lights off and headphones on. It really blows me away how well polished this game is. While the game really adds no new innovation to the first person genre, it by far raises the bar for all FPS games. At first it really bothered me that I couldn't use the flashlight at the same time as a weapon, but now I see how much more it adds to the equation when something is coming for you and you have to turn out the light to switch to your weapon. It really does make your pulse pound. And the graphics are amazing, even with my ATI Radeon 9800 pro. While it is priced higher than most games at $54.99 but worth every penny.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

An Xbox Game I am very much looking forward to.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

It has been an interesting week, last week I discovered that my former boss, and the current Store Manager of the new Safeway store in Astoria, was transferred to a smaller location. This made me very happy because she made my life a living hell for almost 2 years and she is probably part of the reason I decided to step down to a part time position at Safeway and pursue a career in Real Estate Appraisal last year. Then Monday I'm working at Safeway in Seaside and get a phone call from my District Manager (big boss), and he tells me he needs my help. He asks me if I would consider becoming the acting Store Manager of the Astoria store and the current Assistant manager would be my assistant. He said he needed me to go in and fix all of its problems. I kind of figured they would ask me to go help at the Astoria store when this all went down, but I had no idea that I would be asked to run the store. Then he says, "Derek, you know if you wanted to, you could be a Store Manager tomorrow if you so desired." Now this has thrown my hole career choice for a loop. The plan was to go to part time at Safeway while I learned to be an appraiser, and once I got certified with the State of Oregon, I would leave Safeway completely. It will probably take more than a year to get enough experience to apply to take my state test to be certified, and the pay currently as an assistant appraiser is significantly less than I make at Safeway, but the future potential is high. But now, there is a chance that I could be offered the Astoria store permanently if I can turn the store around. It is definitely a slim chance considering that this Store is a flagship store for all of Safeway's Portland Division (120 Stores), and it is also a new design 1 of about 10 new concept stores for the company, and they tend not to give such high profile stores to brand new managers. But there is still a chance, and now I would have an opportunity to make a lot more money, and do things the way I want rather than having to follow someone else's style and direction. But at the same time working for Corporate America definitely has its down sides, and working as an appraiser has a lot of advantages for me and my family. So I am completely torn. But Rachelle and I talked and decided that I would say yes to running the store temporarily, and if it is offered to me, I will most likely say yes to becoming the permanent Store Manager. Hopefully it all works out in my favor, it would be nice to have something go my way for a change.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Why is it that people will blame everyone but themselves for everything. The game Manhunt has been pulled from store shelves in the UK after a copy of it was found in the room of a 17 year old psycho who killed a 14 year old boy. Parents exploded blaming the game for the boys death. This is wrong, while I agree that the game is gratuitously violent, I did not make the 17 year old a killer, environment, family, and a disturbed mind did. Here is the article.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I am a huge halo fan and recently I saw the new trailer they are running in theaters for Halo 2. At the end of the trailer is a web site. This website is obviously some sort of advertisement meant to generate buzz (like bees) for the new game. It is so abstract though, even linking to a supposed blog right here on blogger. I have to give Microsoft credit on its different way of advertising. Got my attention. By the way the counter ends on Aug 24th which is long before the game is supposedly coming out (Nov. 9), but that would be all right with me.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Whether you are a republican or a democrat you should enjoy this.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Well I finally got my basketball hoop put together and put out on the street. Lee, my neighbor and I shot a few baskets to christen it and now it's good to go. Bring It!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I am totally jonesing for some new music, and haven't come upon anything really worth while.  Though I am excited for the new Nine Inch Nails album coming out around the end of the year. Apparently Dave Grohl of Nirvana/Foo Fighters is playing drums on 13 of the tracks which is kind of cool since all the previous NIN stuff other than the live shows were done with drum machines.  I like that Trent Reznor keeps changing the sound of it all.
I watched Farhenheit 9/11 and while I agree with Moore's views I think he went too over the top with the movie and made it feel more like a political commercial bashing the republicans rather than a documentary showing what a poor job this presidency has done over the past 3 & 1/2 years. 
So I have been avoiding writing in my blog for over a week now…Don’t know why now, other than I just didn’t feel like expressing myself or perhaps I am just too lazy, or is it tired?  Oh well who knows, who cares.  I am TIRED, I work too much!  But I have no choice, and if I did would it be any different.  I am constantly broke, constantly tired, and yet I remain on this path to better myself thru a different career.  Who knows if this is gonna work out.  Anyway lets see, been burning yet even more movies, added Pitch Black, SWAT, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Matchstick Men.  I like Nick Cage, always have, he just seems to be a cool laid back kind of guy.  Except the Elvis fettish is a little weird, but no one is perfect.  Several people say I look somewhat like him, but alas he is rich and I am not.  Saw my brother the other day, who I haven’t seen in months.  He is HUGE!  When I saw him I had to ask if he was on the juice, but he assured me he is not, just does nothing else but work out.  Although I think he appears to have a small head now that his body is gargantuan.  I have been spending what little free time I have had, mind you I work six days a week, on trying to put my yard together.  The back of my yard has a sand hill that is constantly sloughing off even after my builder put up a cement retaining wall.  So now I am building a second wall above the cement wall and about 3 feet further back of railroad ties.  I can’t begin to tell you how heavy some of those ties are.  I swear they must be petrified.  So I am spending tons of money on dirt, and bark dust, and rock, and railroad ties, and this is after I spent a ton on a sprinkler system and topsoil, oh and I still need to buy grass.  Will this madness ever stop?  We decided the bills were getting a little out of hand so I took a loan out on my 401-K plan to pay all the credit cards off, which is nice, cause it’s one payment a week that comes directly out of my Safeway check and it is reasonable interest, which I still don’t understand why I have to pay interest on my own money, but whatever.  Hopefully one day soon, I will have a yard with something other than sand (damn beach).  I decided my computer was running like crap and it was time to wipe out my hard drive and start fresh, which I do about 2 times per year.  Only this time when I reinstalled WinXP Pro after the format I couldn't access my other hard drives, I have 4 hard drives with 500 gb total all of which have my backed up stuff like 15,000 mp3s and movies, and pictures of my daughter, and other stuff, so I was quite upset.  The drives were there and displayed being near full but when I would click on the folders it would tell me access denied.  Turned out it was some wierd glitch having to do with swiching the drive the my My Documents folder resided on, so all was restored.  And now my machine is running smooth as a baby's butt.  I read a friends blog this evening, and I am becoming increasingly worried about his mental and financial well being.  His blathering is a little disturbing.  Hang in there man!  Well that is about everything.  I will try to post more often, but probably won’t.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Downloaded and watched Hellboy DVD last night, and I will probably buy it when it comes out. I never really heard about the comic, but it was pretty cool. I am finding that comic book movies are getting better and better, which makes me happy. Keep in mind this ain't Shakespeare. But Ron Pearlman is a damn cool actor, and the fish guy sounds and acts just like David Hyde Pierce from Frasier. Check it out. Now if they could just improve the quality of video game movies.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I rented the Butterfly Effect, and I have to say I like it. I think I prefer the theatrical ending rather than the director's cut though, it was just so depressing. Great movie, go watch it if you haven't already.
I rented the Butterfly Effect, and I have to say I like it. I think I prefer the theatrical ending rather than the director's cut though, it was just so depressing. Great movie, go watch it if you haven't already.
Take a survey, get a year subscription to Xbox Nation, Electronic Gaming, PC Magazine, Computer Shopper, or Computer Gaming World Magazine, no catch.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Hope everyone had a good 4th of July weekend. I have been sick since Thursday night, but am finally feeling a little bit better today. We went to Long Beach to a friends house for a BBQ dinner, and it was good, nothing like free food and beer. We worked in the yard Saturday trying to get the dirt ready to seed now that the sprinkler system was finally completed. Can't wait till I have something other than dirt and sand in my yard. Went back to work today, God I hate Mondays, and first thing this morning not 20 minutes after I got to work, I had a customer come in to the store, bleeding from the nose and mouth, saying he had been assaulted by someone out in the parking lot. Some random guy just ran up to him and punched him a few times in the face because he and his friend were gay. Now what the hell is up with that. This world is getting scary. I can understand, well not really, thinking that someone being gay is wrong, but unless some guy was trying to put the moves on me, who the hell cares. God I hate people sometimes, Oh who am I kidding, I always hate people, I work in the customer service industry. Anyway saw spider-man 2 on Friday, and was somewhat disappointed, not that it was bad, I just thought that it kind of dragged in portions. But Doc Oc was cool, and there is a pretty cool scene with spiderman and a train. Anyway Happy Independence Day All (Belated).

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Found a cool new band, Metric. They remind me of early 90's alternative/pop (kinda like Elastica). Worth a listen, I was able to find the album on Kazaa Lite Resurrection.
Been playing a new game called Psi-Ops, it is pretty good, it is basically a 3rd person shooter, except you have cool mental powers from being in some secret military program. You can light things on fire, you can see thru walls, you can use mind control to kill enemies, and best of all you can throw people repeatedly against walls using only your mind until they are a bloody corpse. I thoroughly enjoy doing that.
Today, is a good day, and I will tell you why. I along with2 of my new neighbors have decided to go in together and buy a portable basketball hoop. I am pretty excited, because as long as I have had a place of my own, I have always wanted a hoop but either never had a place to put one or couldn't afford to buy one, but now I can yeah for me.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Speaking of playing DVDs here is a great site that you can check to see what type of discs your dvd player will play. Or if you like me it will be to compare new dvd players because mine are old and don't play anything on them.
I am a movie burning fool with my new DVD drive. I know I am a bad man for doing such terrible things, its just that I have had these movies on VHS at one time or another and I don't watch tapes anymore so it's time to transfer them to dvd. And I just figured out yesterday after I burned 2 movies on dvd+r that both my dvd players won't play dvd+r only dvd-r, which sucks cause I bought the new burner for it's 8x speed with DVD+R. But at least DVD-R is a little faster at 4x rather than 2x. Oh well, I will have to use these new package of +R discs for something else. I have burned several movies lately, I just rented 5 more today of movies I have on vhs so I can get rid of all my vhs tapes. My list is getting large 124 DVD's. I am a bad man, I know.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I watched Mystic River today, and while it was an extremely sad and depressing movie, I enjoyed the overall presentation and the twist in the plot. It is a good movie but definately not a fun ride. If you appreciate a good gritty story watch it.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Now that is just showing off. I think maybe it is time for a new look though.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Well it is Father's Day and I got a new gas grill today. I had one but it busted a few years ago, and I never replaced it, and boy did I miss it. There's nothing like a juicy BBQ steak...MMMM. Anyway fired it up and fired up some boneless ribeye steaks. I love summer!

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I have always been a fan of Kazaa Lite K++ because it was spyware free. Here is a new version of it called Kazaa Lite Resurrection, after the real Kazaaa company tried to kill it.
Well it is almost a reality, not really but how cool is this. Beam me up Scotty!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just saw The Chronicles of Riddick and I gotta say I was duly impressed. I am actually impressed by how much I enjoyed the movie, don't get me wrong, Pitch Black was a good movie, but not great. And it was certainly not a movie I forsaw becoming a franchise, but after seeing this one, I believe there is a new Sci-fi series to be top dog. It was action packed from beginning to end, if you like either Sci-fi or action or both, go see this movie, I guarantee you will enjoy yourself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

The Lakers Lost! Yeah! It totally goes to show that you can't buy a championship. I wonder how many of the Lakers will be back next season, or if Phil Jackson will be back. I think they will let Payton, and Kobe go and possibly even Malone. And I think Phil is done as well. I so hate the Lakers, and I really like Rasheed "the walking technical foul" so I was happy for him.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Good God! This is just wrong.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Star Wars Cartoon
How did I never hear of this the first time around. I am totally gonna watch this.

Monday, June 07, 2004

This game is fucking awesome. Just got it today and all I can say is wow, from the graphics, to the content to the story, to the sound, to the gameplay...Wow! The only thing lacking is multiplayer, but it is one of the best games I have played in I can't remember how long. It makes me wanna go see The Chronicles of Riddick movie this friday, the game is a prequel to Pich Black (which was a movie I really enjoyed several years back) which is a prequel to the new movie. And this is probably the best looking xbox game to date, it uses something called normal mapping which half life 2 and doom 3 will use, looks damn good. If you own and xbox you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't go out and at least rent or buy this game.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

This is serious. Many people have this wireless router including myself. Go here to get the firmware update to keep your network safe from deadbeat losers that want to screw with your system.
CD prices are just too damn high. The average price is still over $13.00, not a good price point for something that most people can get for free, am I wrong here? Now I can see a much better selling point at $9.99 or $8.99 and you know they could still make serious profit off that.
Got this game last week, and am thoroughly impressed. RTS in a new way.
I have always thought of vacationing here someday, but I think the sulfuric acid rain sounds like a real spoiler!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

You know, I had no idea our founding fathers were so gay!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Here you go Nathan, this is our house.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Well it is that time again, the start of Summer. And once again I am baffled by the sheer number of people who come to my little town each summer. The population of Seaside, Oregon is like 6000 but come summer time it balloons up to like 50,000. I guess I just don't get it, it rains here a lot, and I mean a lot! The ocean is damn cold, there really isn't anything cool to do unless your a kid under 10, even the arcade sucks, $3.00 to play a damn game for 30 seconds, are you out of your mind? But each year they come in droves, each year surpassing the last. And this year will be the worst yet with thousands of people coming from all over the country to celebrate the Lewis and Clark bicentennial here. I mean they do have some cool stuff like the Budweiser Beach Volleyball tournament in august, the Miss Oregon pageant (which is ok), and the Hood to Coast Run (which is only cool because the run is followed by 2 days of beer gardens on the beach). And what is even more unbelievable is that they have opened a giant time share condo where you can pay $40,000 and up to have a room for 2 weeks a year, and it is booked solid year round. Or you could be one of the many thousands of people who have bought or built these giant million dollar beach houses and only use it a couple weekends a year. But if you are like me you can barely afford 1 miniscule house payment let alone 2. But I guess all these people are good for the local economy, since there really is no industry to speak of other than tourism. So I will simply curse at them as I wait in the endless lines of traffic this summer and think to myself..."It will all be over come labor day."

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Found this American Express site with superman and jerry seinfeld. Pretty funny flash commercials. Here is a brief article about the commercials.
I am a windows user, and I have an ipod. I love my ipod, but I am not to impressed with the way you get songs onto your ipod. You have 2 choices, musicmatch or itunes. In my opinion they both suck! But today I found this plugin for winamp (which even in its latest versions I find to be a far better player than musicmatch) and all is well in the world again.
This really says it all, and I will leave it at that.
I used to jump off of a lot of different bridges when I was youger, but I think this is one bridge I would have decided against.
I think he's making a doodie!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Dog owners: For the love of your Dogs, beware of Killer Swans!
Oh my god! This is a chick! I especially like the padlock around her neck, that's a nice touch. Nathan should of got a tattoo like hers.
I can't respect a man who laughs like this. "Tee Hee...I am a cute little grrl..Tee Hee."
Well I beat Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow yesterday. That game rocks even moreso than the first. It is too short though. Now if I could just beat Ninja Gaiden, that game is so damn hard, but pretty. So sad... need a new fix. Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay is gonna be a bad ass game. I played the demo last night and am justly impressed, it really does look like Vin Diesel and he has a damn cool voice. Comes out June 1st.
Why all the fuss about google's upcoming email? Google Mail is cool and all and I do like the 1GB of storage, but I don't think I like the fact that they scan thru your email and provide you targeted ads based on what emails you get. I get enough spam as it is.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Well, today I got to fire someone and it felt kinda good. I am tired of everyone feeling like they should get 2nd and 3rd chances at everything because life is hard, or life has been rough for them. Tough Shit! Welcome to adulthood. If I have to be the one to give you a wake up call that life is not always fair, then so be it. Don't expect me to bend rules for you because your a sorry excuse for an adult. Anyway saw nathan's tattoo and have decided to get one because Jeremy belittled me about not having one. In fact I am gonna tattoo my entire face. Yeah right loser! It sounds like to me that Colin and I are the only one's with our own minds. Ha ha.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Tell me again, this is my fearless leader why?

If only I still had a head of hair, I could finally be in style!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Now this is a World Record to be broken. Do you suppose the ride was hosed down after this stunt?

Friday, May 21, 2004

Rockaway beach is nice, this is a pic I took there Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Cool site if you like anything to do with super heros: batman, spiderman, blade, etc. Yes, I am a geek.
This is hilarious and true!

Monday, May 17, 2004

I can't tell you how much having kids makes you feel like a "grown-up". My daughter was very sick this morning throwing up, she is only 17 months old and is just so upset by the whole puking thing. And you have no idea how much it pains me inside to see her hurt and upset. She threw up like 8 times today, and there was nothing I could do but hold her and feed her popsicles. If you had asked me if I wanted kids three years ago, I would of said, "I am never having kids." If you ask me today if I am glad to be a father, I would tell you that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and that I would give and do anything for my daughter Peyton. Wow, I feel like an adult, how scary is that? BTW...Good luck Nathan, I think you will make a great dad.
Not only am I voting for John Kerry cause I think Little George is a Tool, but I am also voting for Kerry because of his daughter.
Today I made someone cry at work. And I think I let my mean side take over. Background...She is a new employee, and it was her first real day on the job, and she wore a T-shirt and tan pants (uniform is black slacks and white collared shirt). So I bring her in to my office and I say, "After today you need to be in uniform or I will send you home." So she replies, "I don't have any money, and I haven't had a job in three months, and I can't afford to buy new clothes right now." Now keep in mind I wasn't have the best of days, and was a little bit frustrated that she was like 15 minutes late so I responded to her, "I feel real bad about that, but that's not my problem, I don't care if you have to borrow someone's clothes, or borrow money to buy them, but you will wear the appropriate attire or don't bother coming back to work. Oh and if your late again I will write you up, then I will fire you." And with a tear in her eye and a whimpering voice she said, "OK." And I told her, "Now get back to work!" The best part is that I didn't feel the least bit bad about it. In fact it kind of felt good, is that wrong? Oh well, I haven't had the pleasure of firing anyone in like months, so I guess I was just having withdrawals.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Well I have to say I am a little ashamed, but I am addicted to a really bad TV show called "Pimp My Ride" on MTV. It really is the exact same show every week, crappy car or truck, some wannabe pimp kid, an insane amount of upgrades, screaming kid, etc. Same formula every week. But I love checking out the stuff they do to these cars. Now keep in mind I could never afford to do the things that they do to these cars, but even if I could, I don't think I would go to those extremes. I mean they put in $30-$80 thousand dollars in to a car that is maybe worth $1000 usually less. My question is why not just buy a new car? But in all seriousness, every week I think to myself, "I wish they would pimp my ride." And I am not sure why cause my truck is decent, and it is only 2 years old, but none the less, I still keep dreaming of a DVD player that pops down from the ceiling and 20 inch rims, I mean "dubs". I know it's sad, but I don't care.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Yesterday was a good but expensive day. I went to Fry's to check out their anniversary sale, and found a couple deals I just couldn't pass up. I bought a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro for like $70 off and I got an 8x DVD burner for $70. Now I can burn a dvd in 8 minutes. Yeah for me. Now I need to find a home for my old video card and dvd burner.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Wow, just when you think you have seen all the weird stuff on the internet, out of nowhere comes, "Subservient Chicken". Now this guy is just plain disturbing.
Got a good laugh out of this site. Be warned it is not for the ladies, it contains rude language and the word beech is mentioned many times. So you guys that feel very liberal, PC and like to fantasise about wearing your mums undies then don't click the link.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Damn OPEC. I got gas this morning on my way to work and it cost $2.169 per gallon. It cost me over $30 to fill my tank. That is just plain wrong. Could be worse though, California has it at over $3.00 per gallon. Ouch!
I knew it was true aliens do exist!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I am beyond excited today. As anyone who knows me is aware of, I am a huge Nine Inch Nails fan, and have been since 1989. Today I went on to the computer while I got ready for work and for some reason decided to check out the official site, and to my suprise it had finally come alive after over a year of being dormant. And what's better is the announcement of a new record to come out this year. I can't tell you how excited I am.

Found a new site I like...PoopReport. I found it quite good.
Blah Blah Blah!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Well it is Mother's day, and I have to ask myself who came up with this holiday? Now don't get me wrong, I think Mothers are great and my wife is a great Mother but shouldn't they feel as though this holiday is kind of "half ass". I mean no one gets the day paid off, there is no real theme to it, it really is a holiday simply created to generate profit for greeting card companies and florists. But just the same Happy Mothers' Day to all the Moms out there.

Saw this and thought, "This is taking your job way to seriously."

Saturday, May 08, 2004

I just started my very own blog this evening...Wow I must be important now.
I saw Van Helsing this evening, and I gotta say I was a little unsure of this movie. It had the potential to be over-hyped dribble. But after seeing it I have to say I am more than pleasantly surprised. That was one of the more enjoyably entertaining movies I have seen in a very long time. Tell your friends
....More to follow